The workflow below is intended to assess a molecular cloning experiment, specifically whether the introduction of one sequence into another has been successful. For example, the introduction of a protein encoding sequence into a plasmid vector molecule.
Questions answered by this tutorial include:
correspond to the target of interest.
Methods used in this tutorial include:
for the demultiplexing of barcoded sequence reads,mini_align
from the pomoxis
package is used to align sequence reads to the target sequence of interest, andflye
is used to assemble the input sequencing reads,Computational requirements for this tutorial:
⚠️ Warning: This notebook has been saved with its outputs for demostration purposed. It is recommeded to select
Edit > Clear all outputs
before using the notebook to analyse your own data.
This tutorial aims to determine the success of a molecular cloning experiment; to determine whether one DNA sequence has been correctly inserted into another as the experimentalist was expecting.
The goals from this tutorial include:
This workflow naturally requires knowledge of the target sequence and optionally its encoded peptide. The methodology presented is based on an sequence assembly method; an alternative simpler method would be to employ simple sequence alignment.
The workflow below requires a single folder containing .fastq files from an Oxford Nanopore Technologies' sequencing device, or a single such file. Compressed or uncompressed files may be used. In addition a DNA reference sequences for the vector is required, and a protein reference sequence for the inserted DNA sequence.
Before anything else we will create and set a working directory:
from epi2melabs import ping
tutorial_name = "clone_validation"
pinger = ping.Pingu()
pinger.send_notebook_ping('start', tutorial_name)
# create a work directory and move into it
working_dir = '/epi2melabs/{}/'.format(tutorial_name)
!mkdir -p "$working_dir"
%cd "$working_dir"
This tutorial uses a couple of software packages that are not included in the default EPI2ME Labs server. Below we will install software packages that include last
and diamond
using the conda
package manager.
Please note that the software installed is not persistent and this step will need to be re-run if you stop and restart the EPI2ME Labs server
!mamba install -y -q -c bioconda last diamond blast --quiet > /dev/null
To demonstrate the workflow below a sample dataset is included with this tutorial. The dataset comprises data from a small Flongle sequencing experiment together with a vector DNA sequence and target gene protein sequence.
To download the sample file we run the linux
command wget
. To execute the command click on the cell and then press Command/Ctrl-Enter, or click the Play symbol to the left-hand side.
bucket = "ont-exd-int-s3-euwst1-epi2me-labs"
domain = ""
site = "https://{}.{}".format(bucket, domain)
!rm -rf clone_sample_data clone_sample_data.tar.gz
!wget -O clone_sample_data.tar.gz \
!tar -xzvf clone_sample_data.tar.gz
The dataset contains four files. One of these (flone_clone_data.fastq.gz
) is a small set of single-molecule sequencing reads from a Flongle flowcell. The reads comprise five multiplexed samples. For two of these samples (barcodes 01 and 02) the dataset contains the target peptides: peptide1.fasta
and peptide2.fasta
respectively. These have been successfully incorporated into the vector sequence vector.fasta
, as the workflow will show.
If you wish to analyse your own data rather than the sample data, you can edit the value .fastq input
variable below. To find the correct full path of a directory you can navigate to it in
the Files
browser to the left-hand side, right-click on the file and select Copy path
The location shared with the EPI2ME labs server from your computer will show as /epi2melabs
, for example a file located at /data/my_gridion_run/fastq_pass
on your computer will appear as /epi2melabs/my_gridion_run/fastq_pass
when it is the /data
folder that is shared.
Having downloaded the sample data, or locating your own data in the file browser, we need to provide the filepaths as input to the notebook.
This workflow requires has some manual intervention steps to check the sanity of intermediate outputs. It is not recommended to use the
Run All
The form can be used to enter the filenames of your inputs.
import os
import multiprocessing
import pandas as pd
import pysam
import aplanat
from import InfoGraphItems
from import HTMLReport
from epi2melabs.notebook import InputForm, InputSpec
import ipywidgets as widgets
report = None
exec_summary = None
def process_form(inputs):
global report
global exec_summary
report = HTMLReport(
"Nanopore Clone Validation workflow", "EPI2ME Labs Summary",
report.markdown('### Experiment Summary', 'exp-summ-head')
report.placeholder(key='exec-plot') # placeholder
exec_summary = InfoGraphItems()
input_reads = inputs._input_reads
all_good = True
!cecho ok "Checking read inputs..."
fail_msg = "The input read file is not a valid file or folder."
if os.path.isdir(input_reads):
print(" - Found input folder.")
elif os.path.isfile(input_reads):
print(" - Found input file, moving to a folder")
# guppy demultiplexer takes only an input folder
fname = os.path.basename(input_reads)
!mkdir -p reads \
&& mv $input_reads reads
input_reads = os.path.abspath("reads")
elif os.path.isdir('reads'):
moved_file = os.path.join('reads', os.path.basename(input_reads))
if os.path.isfile(moved_file):
input_reads = os.path.abspath("reads")
print(" - Found previously moved file.")
!cecho error "$fail_msg"
all_good = False
!cecho error "$fail_msg"
all_good = False
print(" - Input reads is: {}.".format(input_reads))
# set input_path on inputs form for others to access
inputs.input_reads = input_reads
!cecho ok "Making output folder..."
outdir = inputs.output_folder
!mkdir -p "$outdir"
!cecho ok "Checking reference inputs..."
if not os.path.isfile(inputs.target_dna_sequence):
!cecho error "Target sequence file does not exist."
all_good = False
with pysam.FastaFile(inputs.target_dna_sequence) as fh:
if fh.nreferences != 1 or fh.lengths[0] < 1:
!cecho error " - Vector .fasta does not contain a single sequence."
all_good = False
print(" - Found sequence (target): {}".format(fh.references[0]))
if not os.path.isfile(inputs.target_peptide):
!cecho error "Target peptide file does not exist."
all_good = False
with pysam.FastaFile(inputs.target_peptide) as fh:
if fh.nreferences != 1 or fh.lengths[0] < 1:
!cecho error " - Target .fasta does not contain a single sequence."
all_good = False
print(" - Found sequence (peptide): {}".format(fh.references[0]))
if all_good:
!cecho success "Inputs validated."
!cecho error "One or more errors detected while checking inputs."
inputs = InputForm(
InputSpec('_input_reads', 'Select .fastq dataset', 'clone_sample_data/flongle_clone_data.fastq.gz'),
InputSpec('output_folder', 'Output folder', 'analysis'),
InputSpec('target_dna_sequence', 'Vector .fasta', 'clone_sample_data/vector.fasta'),
InputSpec('target_peptide', 'Target peptide', 'clone_sample_data/peptide1.fasta'),
InputSpec('threads', 'Processing threads', (1, multiprocessing.cpu_count(), 1)),
InputSpec('demultiplex', 'Demultiplex', True),
InputSpec('barcode_kit', 'Barcoding kit', 'SQK-RBK004'))
inputs._fname = os.path.abspath("sample_data.fastq.gz")
VBox(children=(HBox(children=(Label(value='Select .fastq dataset', layout=Layout(width='150px')), interactive(…
With our workspace prepared we will now move on to the analysis of our data.
It is likely that multiple DNA constructs will have been barcoded and run in parallel during a sequencing run. For this reason we include an optional barcode demultiplexing step in this workflow.
After demultiplexing, this notebook is concerned with only a single sample. To analyse all samples the later sections of this notebook will need to be run sequentially. The results of analysing each of the samples will be accumulated into a report which can be downloaded at the end of the notebook.
If a barcoding strategy has not been used within your experiment, this step can be skipped.
# Running Guppy demultiplexing (click play)
input_reads = inputs.input_reads
output_folder = inputs.output_folder
barcode_kit = inputs.barcode_kit
threads = inputs.threads
!rm -rf $output_folder/demultiplex
if inputs.demultiplex:
!guppy_barcoder \
--barcode_kits $barcode_kit \
--compress_fastq --records_per_fastq 0 --recursive --worker_threads $threads \
--save_path $output_folder/demultiplex \
--input_path $input_reads \
&& cecho success "Guppy finished successfully" \
|| cecho error "Guppy failed"
print("Skipping demultiplexing as requested.")
ONT Guppy barcoding software version 4.5.4+66c1a77
input path: /epi2melabs/clone_validation/reads
save path: analysis/demultiplex
arrangement files: barcode_arrs_rbk4.cfg
lamp arr. files: barcode_arrs_ncov8.cfg barcode_arrs_ncov96.cfg barcode_arrs_multivirus1.cfg barcode_arrs_multivirus8.cfg
min. score front: 60
min. score rear: 60
Found 1 input files.
0% 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100%
Done in 2574 ms.
Guppy finished successfully
Having run demultiplexing of reads below code cell will allow you to view the number of reads found to contain each barcode and allow you to select which group of reads to use in the remainder of the workflow. If you have not run demultiplexing the code will set parameters for the workflow. It is necessary to run this step even in the case of a single (unbarcoded) analyte.
# Review demultiplex barcode assignments (click play)
import ipywidgets as widgets
from IPython.display import display
import aplanat
from aplanat import bars, hist, annot
from bokeh.models import Span
from bokeh.layouts import gridplot
minimum_reads = 150
read_source = None
complete_fastq = None
dataset_name = None
dataset_folder = None
barcodes_found = 'NA'
if not inputs.demultiplex:
read_source = inputs.input_reads
dataset_name = 'all_data'
dataset_folder = os.path.join(inputs.output_folder, dataset_name)
complete_fastq = os.path.join(dataset_folder, "all_data.fastq")
barcodes_found = 'NA'
barcode_summary_file = os.path.join(
inputs.output_folder, "demultiplex", "barcoding_summary.txt")
if not os.path.exists(barcode_summary_file):
print("Could not find barcode summary: {}.".format(barcode_summary_file))
bc_summary = pd.read_csv(barcode_summary_file, sep='\t')
except Exception as e:
print("Could not read barcode summary: {}".format(barcode_summary))
# barcode count plot
barcode_counts = pd.DataFrame(bc_summary['barcode_arrangement'].value_counts()) \
columns={'index':'barcode', 'barcode_arrangement':'count'})
bc_counts = bars.simple_bar(
barcode_counts['barcode'], barcode_counts['count'], colors='#0084A9',
title='Number of reads per barcode')
bc_counts = annot.subtitle(
'>{} reads are recommended for further analysis.'.format(
bc_counts.xaxis.major_label_orientation = 3.14 / 4
bc_counts = annot.marker_hline(bc_counts, minimum_reads), background="#f4f4f4")
report.plot(bc_counts, key='bc-plot')
barcode_counts['sufficient data'] = barcode_counts['count'] > minimum_reads
valid_barcodes = set(
barcode_counts.loc[barcode_counts['sufficient data']]['barcode'])
barcodes_found = len(valid_barcodes)
valid_barcodes = sorted(valid_barcodes)
def barcode_change(change):
global dataset_name
global dataset_folder
global read_source
global complete_fastq
if change['type'] == 'change' and change['name'] == 'value':
dataset_name = change['new']
dataset_folder = os.path.join(output_folder, dataset_name)
read_source = os.path.join(
output_folder, "demultiplex", dataset_name)
complete_fastq = os.path.join(dataset_folder, "{}.fastq".format(dataset_name))
barcode_dropdown = widgets.Dropdown(
options=valid_barcodes, value=dataset_name, description='Barcode:')
print("Select a barcode to use for the remainder")
exec_summary.append('Barcodes found', str(barcodes_found), 'balance-scale')
Select a barcode to use for the remainder
Dropdown(description='Barcode:', options=('barcode01', 'barcode02', 'barcode03', 'barcode04', 'barcode05'), va…
Our choice of barcode has been made. Let us quickly review the quality and size distribution of the associated sequences:
# FASTQ assessment (click show)
from aplanat.hist import histogram
from bokeh.layouts import gridplot
import numpy as np
from pysam import FastxFile
if read_source is None or complete_fastq is None:
raise RuntimeError("Please run the previous code cell.")
!mkdir -p $dataset_folder
!rationalize_fastq -i $read_source -o $complete_fastq
mean_qualities = list()
lengths = list()
# open the file and iterate through its records
with FastxFile(complete_fastq) as fq:
for rec in fq:
# ONT calculation for "mean Q score"
quals = np.fromiter(
(ord(x) - 33 for x in rec.quality),
dtype=int, count=len(rec.quality))
mean_p = np.mean(np.power(10, quals/-10))
p1 = histogram(
[np.array(mean_qualities)], title="Read quality scores",
x_axis_label="quality", y_axis_label="count", colors=['#0084A9'],
height=250, width=300)
p2 = histogram(
[lengths], colors=['#0084A9'], title="Read lengths",
x_axis_label="read length / bases", y_axis_label="count",
height=250, width=300, bins=100, xlim=(0, 7000))
stats_plots = gridplot((p1, p2), ncols=2), background="#f4f4f4")
# Setup report for barcode
section = report.add_section(dataset_name)
bc_summary = InfoGraphItems()
('Median read length', str(int(np.median(lengths))), 'align-center', 'b'),
('Median read quality', str(int(np.median(mean_qualities))), 'thumbs-up', '')))
"### {} Analysis".format(dataset_name.capitalize()),
section.plot(stats_plots, key='statsplots')
Input: /epi2melabs/clone_validation/analysis/demultiplex/barcode01 Output: /epi2melabs/clone_validation/analysis/barcode01/barcode01.fastq Directory detected, concatenating found files. - Found 1 files. - Concatenating files...done.
In the sections above we have prepared our single-molecule sequence reads for further examination. The remainder of this notebook deals with the assembly of these reads and comparison of the assembly to the reference sequences provided.
Use the form below to select a set of parameters for the filtering and downsampling of the sequence collection. The code block will filter the available .fastq
sequences using seqkit
, and then further downsample (also using seqkit
) to produce a dataset of approximately the fold-coverage requested.
import ipywidgets as widgets
data_prefix = None
fastq_source = None
ave_length = None
def process_form(inputs):
global data_prefix
global fastq_source
global ave_length
print("Calculating stats. for complete dataset...")
print(" - Input: {}.".format(complete_fastq))
!seqkit stats --tabular "$complete_fastq" > "$complete_fastq".stats
complete_stats = pd.read_csv("{}.stats".format(complete_fastq), delimiter='\t')
print("Filtering dataset by length and quality...")
filtered_fastq = complete_fastq.replace('.fastq', '.filtered.fastq')
short, long = inputs.shortest_read, inputs.longest_read
qual = inputs.quality_filter
!seqkit seq --remove-gaps --min-len "$short" --max-len "$long" \
--min-qual "$qual" "$complete_fastq" > "$filtered_fastq"
!seqkit stats --tabular "$filtered_fastq" > "$filtered_fastq".stats
filtered_stats = pd.read_csv("{}.stats".format(filtered_fastq), delimiter='\t')
print("Subsampling filtered dataset...")
needed_bases = inputs.expected_size * inputs.assemble_x
reqd_reads = int((inputs.expected_size * inputs.assemble_x) // filtered_stats['avg_len'][0])
print("Require {} bases ({} total), approximately {} reads".format(
needed_bases, filtered_stats['sum_len'][0], reqd_reads))
sampled_fastq = filtered_fastq.replace(
'.filtered.fastq', '.filtered.sampled.fastq')
!seqkit sample --quiet -n "$reqd_reads" --two-pass "$filtered_fastq" > "$sampled_fastq"
!seqkit stats --tabular "$sampled_fastq" > "$sampled_fastq".stats
sampled_stats = pd.read_csv("{}.stats".format(sampled_fastq), delimiter='\t')
print("Creating statistics table...")
display_stats = pd.concat(
(complete_stats, filtered_stats, sampled_stats)).reset_index(drop=True)
display_stats['file'] = display_stats['file'].apply(os.path.basename)
section = report.sections[dataset_name]
"The table below details read counts and lengths after filtering.",
section.table(display_stats, key='read-stats')
fastqs = dict(zip(
('complete', 'filtered', 'sampled'),
((complete_fastq, complete_stats),
(filtered_fastq, filtered_stats),
(sampled_fastq, sampled_stats))))
fastq_source, stats_source = fastqs[inputs.dataset]
data_prefix = os.path.splitext(fastq_source)[0]
ave_length = int(stats_source['avg_len'][0])
print("Selecting `{}` for onward use, with average read length {}.".format(
fastq_source, ave_length))
bc_summary.append('Reads used', str(int(stats_source['num_seqs'][0])), 'bookmark')
filter_form = InputForm(
InputSpec('shortest_read', 'Shortest read', widgets.IntText(4000)),
InputSpec('longest_read', 'Longest read', widgets.IntText(5000)),
InputSpec('quality_filter', 'Min. Quality', widgets.IntText(13)),
InputSpec('expected_size', 'Expected assembly size', widgets.IntText(4700)),
InputSpec('assemble_x', 'Read coverage to use', widgets.IntText(150)),
InputSpec('dataset', 'Read sampling to use', ['sampled', 'complete', 'filtered']))
VBox(children=(HBox(children=(Label(value='Shortest read', layout=Layout(width='150px')), interactive(children…
At this point we have selected, filtered, and optionally downsampled our sequencing reads. To check we have a reasonable volume and quality of data to perform the assembly step we will align the reads to the vector reference given at the start of the workflow.
# run alignments
target_dna_sequence = inputs.target_dna_sequence
!cecho ok "Running alignments for: $data_prefix"
!rm -f "$data_prefix".bam*
!rm -rf "$target_dna_sequence".*
!mini_align \
-r "$target_dna_sequence" -i "$fastq_source" \
-p "$data_prefix" \
-t 4 \
|| cecho error "Alignment failed"
# calculate read stats
!stats_from_bam "$data_prefix".bam > "$data_prefix".bam.stats \
|| cecho "Failed to create alignment statistics"
# calculate depth
!mosdepth -t 2 --flag 1812 "$data_prefix".fwd "$data_prefix".bam
!mosdepth -t 2 --flag 1796 --include-flag 16 "$data_prefix".rev "$data_prefix".bam
Two helpful visualizations of these alignment results are the depth of sequencing across the reference and the accuracy of the reads with respect to the reference.
In this experiment we are expecting differences from the reference sequence to occur in our reads, so the accuracy of the reads may appear lower than otherwise expected. The plots also report only a single, primary, alignment of reads: if the read length is a significant fraction of the plasmid size coverage may appear reduced at the edges of the reference and read coverage may be low. This is expected and normal.
# Alignment visualization (click play)
from aplanat import annot, lines, hist, util
from bokeh.layouts import gridplot
depth_fwd = pd.read_csv(
'{}.fwd.per-base.bed.gz'.format(data_prefix), sep='\t',
names=['ref', 'start', 'end', 'depth'])
depth_rev = pd.read_csv(
'{}.rev.per-base.bed.gz'.format(data_prefix), sep='\t',
names=['ref', 'start', 'end', 'depth'])
depth_plot = lines.steps(
[depth_fwd['start'], depth_rev['start']],
[depth_fwd['depth'], depth_rev['depth']],
colors=['darkolivegreen', 'maroon'],
names=['Forward', 'Reverse'],
x_axis_label='Position along reference',
y_axis_label='sequencing depth / bases')
stats = pd.read_csv("{}.bam.stats".format(data_prefix), sep='\t')
x_grid, pdf = util.kernel_density_estimate(stats['acc'])
mode = x_grid[np.argmax(pdf)]
acc_plot = lines.line(
[x_grid], [pdf],
x_axis_label="read accuracy", y_axis_label="read density")
acc_plot = annot.marker_vline(acc_plot, mode, label='mode: {:.1f}'.format(mode))
x_grid, pdf = util.kernel_density_estimate(stats['coverage'])
mode = x_grid[np.argmax(pdf)]
cover_plot = lines.line(
[x_grid], [pdf],
x_axis_label="read coverage", y_axis_label="read density")
cover_plot = annot.marker_vline(cover_plot, mode, label='mode: {:.1f}'.format(mode))
plot = gridplot([acc_plot, cover_plot, depth_plot], ncols=2), background="#f4f4f4")
section = report.sections[dataset_name]
"Read metrics with respect to the provided reference are shown below. "
"The read coverage is expected to be low for reads of a similar length "
"to the reference size. Similarly the coverage graph may show a large "
"bias toward the middle of the sequence.",
section.plot(plot, key='read-plots')
Provided these plots look reasonable, containing the target coverage across the genome and read accuracy > 93%, we can proceed to the next assembly section of the workflow. If the coverage is low try altering the filtering and sampling settings above.
It is now time to create an assembly from our selected read data. To do this we will use the flye
assembler. Flye is a versatile and moderately fast assembler which provides good results in most situations with little parameterisation:
# De novo assembly input average read length
assembly_out = None
def process_form(flye_inputs):
global assembly_out
assembly_out = os.path.join('epi2melabs','analysis',dataset_folder, "flye")
min_overlap = int(flye_inputs.overlap_fraction * min(filter_form.expected_size, ave_length))
!rm -rf $assembly_out
!mkdir -p "$assembly_out"
threads = inputs.threads
expected_size = filter_form.expected_size
!flye --out-dir $assembly_out --nano-raw $fastq_source \
--genome-size $expected_size --meta --threads $threads \
--min-overlap $min_overlap
flye_form = InputForm(
InputSpec('overlap_fraction', 'Flye "overlap_fraction"', (0.05, 1, 0.05),
long_desc="The minumum overlap fraction is multiplied by the average read length to determine the minimum read overlap size used within the assembly."))
When flye
has finished running it will have output something similar to:
Total length: 9997
Fragments: 1
Fragments N50: 9997
Largest frg: 9997
Scaffolds: 0
Mean coverage: 63
If this is not the case return to the data filtering section above.
The statistics above summarise a file output by flye
which can be inspected by running:
assembly = os.path.join(assembly_out, "assembly.fasta")
flye_info = pd.read_csv(os.path.join(assembly_out, "assembly_info.txt"), delimiter='\t')
section = report.sections[dataset_name]
section.markdown('Summary of initial assembly:', key='assm-stats-head')
section.table(flye_info, index=False, key='assm-stats')
#seq_name | length | cov. | circ. | repeat | mult. | alt_group | graph_path | |
0 | contig_1 | 9346 | 11 | Y | N | 1 | * | 1 |
We expect to see a single long contig; the length of this may well be larger than the expected length and similar to whole number multiples of the expected length. If this is so try to run the assembly again with a larger value of the overlap fraction. If you obtain more than a single contig try altering the parameter until only one is obtained.
In the table, the contig will likely be identified as circular. A circular contig from the de novo assembly of a plasmid will likely contain duplicated sequences at the end of the sequence. Let's check if this is the case by preparing a dotplot showing regions of similarity when the assembly is compared to itself:
# Creating a dotplot (click play)
import tempfile
from aplanat import base
assm_dir = os.path.join(inputs.output_folder, "assm_check")
assm2assm = os.path.join(assm_dir, "aln.paf")
!mkdir -p $assm_dir
def last_dot(fasta, ref=None):
tmp = tempfile.mkdtemp()
if ref is None:
ref = fasta
!lastdb $tmp/lastdb $ref
!lastal $tmp/lastdb $fasta > $tmp/alns.maf
records = list()
with open(os.path.join(tmp, "alns.maf")) as maf:
while True:
line = maf.readline()
if line.startswith('#'):
elif line.startswith('a'):
r1 = maf.readline().split()[1:5]
r2 = maf.readline().split()[1:5]
blank = maf.readline()
records.append(r1 + r2)
elif line == "":
raise IOError("Cannot read alignment file")
names = ['ref', 'rstart', 'rlen', 'rorient', 'query', 'qstart', 'qlen', 'qorient']
df = pd.DataFrame(records, columns=names)
df = df.loc[df['qorient'] == '+']
for f in ['qstart', 'qlen', 'rstart', 'rlen']:
df[f] = df[f].astype(int)
df['qend'] = df['qstart'] + df['qlen']
df['rend'] = df['rstart'] + df['rlen']
!rm -rf $tmp
return df
df = last_dot(assembly)
dotplot = base.simple(
[], [], xlim=(0, max(df['rend'])), ylim=(0, max(df['qend'])),
width=440, height=400, x_axis_label='position', y_axis_label='position')
dotplot.segment(df['rstart'], df['qstart'], df['rend'], df['qend']), background="#f4f4f4")
We would like to obtain a single coherent, linearised sequence repesenting the circular biological molecule. To do this we can break the contig in half and put it back together removing the duplicated sequence. This is done in the following code cell.
# Circularising assembly by overlap-based trimming (click play)
from import bokeh_table
import pysam
def split_and_align(sequence_in, name):
print("Aligning two halves of assembly...")
with pysam.FastaFile(sequence_in) as fasta:
if len(fasta.references) > 1:
raise IOError("More than one contig found in assembly.")
rec = fasta.fetch(fasta.references[0])
half = len(rec) // 2
first, second = rec[0:half], rec[half:]
lengths = [len(x) for x in (first, second)]
split_assm = os.path.join(assm_dir, 'split.{}.fasta')
paf = os.path.join(assm_dir, 'overlap.paf')
for name, seq in enumerate((first, second)):
with open(split_assm.format(name), 'w') as fh:
fh.write(">seq{}\n{}\n".format(name, seq))
s0, s1 = (split_assm.format(x) for x in range(2))
!minimap2 -cx asm5 $s0 $s1 > $paf 2> /dev/null
return paf, first, second
# flye can give lots of repeats, find overlaps and trime iteratively
finished = False
iteration = 0
trimmed_assm = assembly
plots = list()
while not finished:
iteration += 1
print("Iteration: {}".format(iteration))
print(" - Trimming sequence according to overlap...")
paf, first, second = split_and_align(trimmed_assm, 'iter_{}'.format(iteration))
df = pd.read_csv(paf, sep='\t', header=None)
except ValueError:
print(" - No alignments found, leaving assembly untrimmed.")
finished = True
if len(df) != 1:
print(" - Found multiple alignments, selecting best.")
df = df[df[2] < 5]
if len(df) == 0:
print("- Could not find suitable alignment, leaving assembly untrimmed.")
finished = True
finished = True
start1, end1 = df[2][0], df[3][0]
start0, end0 = df[7][0], df[8][0]
new_seq = second[:end1] + first[end0:]
trimmed_assm = assembly.replace(".fasta", ".trimmed.fasta")
print(" - Writing trimmed sequence to {}.".format(trimmed_assm))
with open(trimmed_assm, 'w') as fh:
print("Redoing dotplot...")
df = last_dot(trimmed_assm)
dotplot = base.simple(
[], [], xlim=(0, max(df['rend'])), ylim=(0, max(df['qend'])),
width=440, height=400, title='After trim iteration {}'.format(iteration),
x_axis_label='position', y_axis_label='position')
dotplot.segment(df['rstart'], df['qstart'], df['rend'], df['qend'])
plots.append(bokeh_table(df, index=False)), ncols=2), background="#f4f4f4")
Iteration: 1 - Trimming sequence according to overlap... Aligning two halves of assembly... - Writing trimmed sequence to epi2melabs/analysis/analysis/barcode01/flye/assembly.trimmed.fasta. Redoing dotplot...
The result of the above should be a single alignment with no off-diagonal elements. If this is not the case try to amend the assembly parameters. If a single diagonal alignment is not obtainable automatically, it may be possible to examine the alignment co-ordinates and dot plots to manually determine how to edit the sequence.
# Manual edit of assembly (click play)
from Bio import SeqIO
def process_form(inputs):
global trimmed_assm
fasta =, "fasta")
manual_assm = assembly.replace(".fasta", ".manualtrim.fasta")
if inputs.end_position > inputs.start_position:
edited = fasta[inputs.start_position:inputs.end_position]
SeqIO.write(edited, manual_assm, "fasta")
trimmed_assm = manual_assm
print("Skipping manual trim.")
edit_form = InputForm(
InputSpec('start_position', 'Start position', widgets.IntText()),
InputSpec('end_position', 'End position', widgets.IntText()))
VBox(children=(HBox(children=(Label(value='Start position', layout=Layout(width='150px')), interactive(childre…
In this section we have assembled our single-molecule reads into a single contiguous sequence. With a few simple algorithms and manual inspection we have ensured that this contig sequence contains no repetivitive sequence due to the originating target molecule being circular. In the next sections we will improve the quality of the contig and analyse it to determine if it contains the peptide of interest.
With our assembly tidied up to remove duplicate sequence, the base-level quality of the assembly can be improved by using medaka:
# Running medaka to polish the assembly (click play)
from Bio import SeqIO
medaka_dir = os.path.join(dataset_folder, "medaka")
medaka_consensus = os.path.join(medaka_dir, "consensus.fasta")
!rm -rf $medaka_dir
!mkdir -p $medaka_dir/
threads =inputs.threads
!mini_assemble -t $threads -i $fastq_source -r $trimmed_assm -o $medaka_dir/racon/ -p assm 2>/dev/null
!run medaka_consensus -i $fastq_source -d $trimmed_assm -o $medaka_dir
medaka_seq =, "fasta")
text = "The final assembly after medaka correction contains {} bases".format(len(medaka_seq))
bc_summary.append("Assembly length", str(len(medaka_seq)), 'ruler', 'b')
section = report.sections[dataset_name];
section.markdown(text, "medaka-length");
In the previous section we first assembled our reads to obtain a single contiguous sequence. This sequence was trimmed to remove duplicated sequence under the assumption that the sequenced molecule is circular. We then improved the base-level quality of the trimmed sequence using medaka
In this section we will now compare the assembly to the supplied reference sequences. In order to make this comparison easier we will first attempt to rotate the assembly so that its start co-ordinate matches that of the reference sequence.
When the sequence coordinates have been corrected, the BLAST results between the reference and assembled plasmids will be shown. Please assess the sequence alignments for expected coordinates.
The start tolerance below can be enlarged if the process fails.
start_tolerance = 20
def process_form(inputs):
global start_tolerance
start_tolerance = inputs.start_tolerance
start_tol_form = InputForm(
InputSpec('start_tolerance', 'Start tolerance', 20))
VBox(children=(HBox(children=(Label(value='Start tolerance', layout=Layout(width='150px')), interactive(childr…
# Synchronising assembled plasmid and reference plasmid (click play)
from Bio import SearchIO, SeqIO
corrected_sequence = medaka_consensus
curation_folder = os.path.join(dataset_folder, "curation")
curated_sequence = os.path.join(curation_folder, "assembly.fasta")
blast_db = os.path.join(
curation_folder, "{}.blastdb".format(os.path.basename(target_dna_sequence)))
blast_result = blast_db.replace(".blastdb", "blastxml")
!makeblastdb -in $target_dna_sequence -dbtype nucl -out $blast_db
!blastn -db $blast_db -query $medaka_consensus -outfmt 5 -out $blast_result
blast_parse =, 'blast-xml')
if len(blast_parse) > 0:
qresult = blast_parse[0]
if qresult[0].hit_frame < 0:
print("Aligned sequence on the reverse strand - reverse complementing")
corrected_sequence = os.path.join(medaka_dir, "consensus_rev_comp.fasta")
!seqkit seq -p -r -t DNA -v $medaka_consensus > $corrected_sequence
!blastn -db $blast_db -query $corrected_sequence -outfmt 5 -out $blast_result
print("No blast results")
blast_parse =, 'blast-xml')
if len(blast_parse) > 0:
qresult = blast_parse[0]
qres = sorted(qresult, key=lambda x: x.hit_start)
hsp = qres[0]
if hsp.hit_start <= start_tolerance:
cut_pos = hsp.query_start
"Cutting consensus at {}. Ref. position {}.".format(
cut_pos, hsp.hit_start))
fasta =, "fasta")
# write the new fasta sequence
edited = fasta[cut_pos:] + fasta[:cut_pos]
SeqIO.write(edited, curated_sequence, "fasta")
"Could not find a valid match. The closest match to the "
"start was at position {}. The sequence will be left "
curated_sequence = corrected_sequence
!cp $corrected_sequence $curated_sequence
curated_sequence = corrected_sequence
!cp $corrected_sequence $curated_sequence
print("\nFinal curated sequence: {}.".format(curated_sequence))
print("Creating dotplot with rotated assembly against reference...")
df = last_dot(curated_sequence, ref=target_dna_sequence)
dotplot = base.simple(
[], [], xlim=(0, max(df['rend'])), ylim=(0, max(df['qend'])),
width=440, height=400, x_axis_label='ref position', y_axis_label='query position')
dotplot.segment(df['rstart'], df['qstart'], df['rend'], df['qend']), background="#f4f4f4")
As a final sanity check we will align all sequencing reads to our final curated assembly to show the sequencing depth:
# Alignment of reads to assembly (click play)
eval_path = os.path.join(dataset_folder, 'align_eval')
prefix = os.path.join(eval_path, 'reads2assm')
!rm -rf $eval_path
!mkdir -p $eval_path
# double sequence
doubled_seq = os.path.join(eval_path, "doubled.fasta")
seq =, "fasta")
half_len = len(seq) // 2
edited = seq[half_len:] + seq + seq[:half_len]
SeqIO.write(edited, doubled_seq, "fasta")
# align
print("Aligning reads...", end='')
!mini_align \
-r "$doubled_seq" -i "$complete_fastq" \
-p "$prefix" \
-t 4 2> /dev/null
# calculate read stats
!stats_from_bam "$prefix".bam > "$prefix".bam.stats 2>/dev/null
# calculate depth
!mosdepth -t 2 --flag 1812 "$prefix".fwd "$prefix".bam
!mosdepth -t 2 --flag 1796 --include-flag 16 "$prefix".rev "$prefix".bam
def unroll_depth(df, size):
hsize = size // 2
start = df['start'] < hsize
mid = (df['start'] >= hsize) & (df['start'] < hsize + size)
end = df['start'] >= size + hsize
for item in ('start', 'end'):
df.loc[start, item] += hsize
df.loc[mid, item] -= hsize
df.loc[end, item] -= size + hsize
result = np.zeros(size, dtype=[('pos', int), ('depth', int)])
result['pos'] = np.arange(size)
for _, row in df.iterrows():
result['depth'][row['start']:row['end']] += row['depth']
return result
fwd = pd.read_csv(
'{}.fwd.per-base.bed.gz'.format(prefix), sep='\t',
names=['ref', 'start', 'end', 'depth'])
depth_fwd = unroll_depth(fwd, len(seq))
rev = pd.read_csv(
'{}.rev.per-base.bed.gz'.format(prefix), sep='\t',
names=['ref', 'start', 'end', 'depth'])
depth_rev = unroll_depth(rev, len(seq))
depth_plot = lines.steps(
[depth_fwd['pos'], depth_rev['pos']],
[depth_fwd['depth'], depth_rev['depth']],
colors=['darkolivegreen', 'maroon'],
names=['Forward', 'Reverse'],
x_axis_label='Position along reference',
y_axis_label='sequencing depth / bases',
title='All reads aligned to circularise assembly')
stats = pd.read_csv("{}.bam.stats".format(prefix), sep='\t')
x_grid, pdf = util.kernel_density_estimate(stats['coverage'])
mode = x_grid[np.argmax(pdf)]
cover_plot = lines.line(
[x_grid], [pdf],
x_axis_label="read coverage", y_axis_label="read density",
title='Alignment read coverage against circularised assembly',
cover_plot = annot.marker_vline(cover_plot, mode, label='mode: {:.1f}'.format(mode))
plot = gridplot([cover_plot, depth_plot], ncols=2), background="#f4f4f4")
section.plot(plot, key='assm-eval')
Aligning reads...done.
The final step of our analysis is to identify the target peptide in our assembly to check that it is present and correct. To do this we will used diamond
to align the peptide sequence given at the start of the analysis to the translated assembly sequence:
# Identifying target peptide in assembly (click play)
from import infographic
print("Assembly: {}".format(curated_sequence))
print("Target peptide: {}".format(inputs.target_peptide))
tp = inputs.target_peptide
!cat $tp
diamond_db = os.path.join(medaka_dir, f"{os.path.basename(inputs.target_peptide)}.dmnd")
medaka_diamond = os.path.join(medaka_dir, "consensus.diamond")
!rm -f $medaka_diamond
!diamond makedb --in "$working_dir"/"$tp" --db "$diamond_db" --quiet
!diamond blastx --db "$diamond_db" -q $curated_sequence \
--outfmt 0 -o "$medaka_diamond" --quiet \
--threads 1 --more-sensitive --frameshift 15
!cat $medaka_diamond
peptide_found = True
with open(medaka_diamond) as fh:
data = ''.join((" {}".format(x) for x in fh.readlines()))
if "No hits found" in data:
peptide_found = False
section = report.sections[dataset_name]
"Alignment of target peptide to assembly:", key="pep-align-lead")
section.markdown(data, key="pep-align")
icon = ['times', 'check'][peptide_found]
bc_summary.append("Peptide found", "", icon)
plot = infographic(bc_summary.values()), background="#f4f4f4")
section = report.sections[dataset_name]
section['exec-plot'] = plot
# update all barcodes report
report['exec-plot'] = infographic(exec_summary.values())
fname = os.path.join(output_folder, 'report.html')
print("Report written to: {}.".format(os.path.abspath(fname)))