The fastq format is (usually) a 4 line string (text) data format denoting a sequence and it's corresponding quality score values. There different ways of encoding quality in a .fastq
file however, files from ONT sequencing devices use sanger phred scores. A sequence record is made up of 4 lines:
line 1: Sequence ID and Sequence description
line 2: Sequence line e.g. ATCGs
line 3: plus symbol (can additionally have description here)
line 4: Sequence line qualities
IMPORTANT: Lines 2 and line 4 must have the same length or the sequence record is not valid.
For example a sample record looks like:
@sequence_id sequence_description
The sequence ID must not contain any spaces. Anything after the first space in the sequence ID line will be considered the "description".
A .fastq
file may contain multiple records. The default number of records in a fastq file generated during a nanopore run is 4000 reads (16000 lines).
# create a work directory and move into it
directory = "fastq_tutorial"
!mkdir -p "$working_dir"
%cd "$working_dir"
from epi2melabs import ping
pinger = ping.Pingu()
pinger.send_notebook_ping('stop', 'fastq_introduction')
# Download sample data
bucket = "ont-exd-int-s3-euwst1-epi2me-labs"
domain = ""
site = "https://{}.{}".format(bucket, domain)
!wget "$site/fast_introduction/archive.tar.gz"
!tar -xzvf archive.tar.gz
%cd test0
The snippets all have their code to the left-hand side and a form to the right which can be used to change their inputs (as an alternative to directly editing the code).
file?¶To count the number of records in a .fastq
file we can use the linux word count command to count the number of lines in a file, with a division by four accounting for four lines per record:
filename = "example3.fastq"
!echo $(( $(wc -l < $filename) / 4 )) reads
directory = "."
!find $directory -name "*.fastq"
The default directory value here (.
) means "the current working directory."
Many bioinformatics programs require all sequence data to be present in a single .fastq
file. In order to process sequences across multiple files we must concatenate (or "cat") all the .fastq
files into a single consolidated file. To perform this task we can use a combination of the linux find, xargs, and cat commands:
directory = "."
output_fastq = "all_records.fastq"
!find . -type f \( -iname "*.fastq" ! -iname $output_fastq \) | \
xargs cat > $output_fastq
!echo $(( $(wc -l < $output_fastq) / 4 )) reads
Again the default directory value here (.
) means "the current working directory."
You may often see a simple form of the above:
cat *.fastq > output.fastq
however, this command will fail if the number of .fastq
files found is very large.
input_fastq = "all_records.fastq"
output_fastq = "deduplicated.fastq"
!seqkit rmdup "$input_fastq" -o "$output_fastq"
For the example data, 200 duplicate records are identified because the three files (containing 100 records each) are in fact copies of the same file.
input_fastq = "example3.fastq"
compressed_fastq = "example3.fastq.gz"
!ls -lh "$input_fastq"
!bgzip "$input_fastq"
!ls -lh "$compressed_fastq"
The size of the compressed file is roughly half of the original. To decompress the compress file, we again use bgzip
compressed_fastq = "example3.fastq.gz"
!bgzip -d "$compressed_fastq"
directory = "pass"
archive = "archive.tar.gz"
# the options here mean: create, gzip compress, verbose, output file
!tar -czvf "$archive" "$directory"
When compressing directories and their contents in this way it is good practice to compress a single top-level directory, so that when the archive is decompressed a single top-level directory is retrieved (and the users working directory isn't polluted).
To decompress the archive we use a similar command:
archive = "archive.tar.gz"
# A temporary folder (tmp) is created here simply to avoid confusion with the
# original directory compressed in the previous example. This is not necessary
# in practice.
# the options here mean: extract, gzip compressed, verbose, input file
!rm -rf tmp && mkdir tmp && cd tmp && \
tar -xzvf ../"$archive"
The snippets below demonstrate basic parsing of fastq data in python. We do not recommend using this code in practice as much of the information is more readily available in the sequencing_summary.txt
file produced by Oxford Nanopore Technologies' sequencing devices. See our Basic QC Tutorial for more examples.
# plotting basic summary graphs
pinger.send_notebook_ping('stop', 'fastq_introduction')
import numpy as np
from pysam import FastxFile
from bokeh.layouts import gridplot
qualities = list()
mean_qualities = list()
lengths = list()
# open the file and iterate through its records
with FastxFile("all_records.fastq") as fq:
for rec in fq:
# ONT calculation for "mean Q score"
quals = np.fromiter(
(ord(x) - 33 for x in rec.quality),
dtype=int, count=len(rec.quality))
mean_p = np.mean(np.power(10, quals/-10))
# all qualities
# use the aplanat library to plot some graphs of the
# collected statistics
import aplanat
from aplanat.hist import histogram
p1 = histogram(
[np.array(mean_qualities)], title="Read quality scores",
x_axis_label="quality", y_axis_label="count",
height=250, width=300)
p2 = histogram(
[qualities], title="Base quality scores",
x_axis_label="quality", y_axis_label="count",
height=250, width=300)
p3 = histogram(
[lengths], title="Read lengths",
x_axis_label="read length / bases", y_axis_label="count",
height=250, width=300), p2, p3), ncols=3), background="#f4f4f4")