This tutorial implements the best-practices bioinformatics workflow for the assembly of an SARS-CoV-2 viral genomes. The workflow in the document implements the ARTIC Nanopore bioinformatics SOP.
Computational requirements for this tutorial include:
Before anything else we will create and set a working directory:
from epi2melabs import ping
tutorial_name = 'ncov_tutorial'
pinger = ping.Pingu()
pinger.send_notebook_ping('start', tutorial_name)
# create a work directory and move into it
working_dir = '/epi2melabs/{}/'.format(tutorial_name)
!mkdir -p "$working_dir"
%cd "$working_dir"
The default EPI2MELabs environment does not contain the ARTIC software. In this section we will prepare the enviroment with the necessary ARTIC software installation.
Please note that the software installed is not persistent and this step will need to be re-run if you stop and restart the EPI2ME Labs server
Having connected to the EPI2ME Labs Server, we will install the necessary software. Press the play button below to the left hand side (it may appear as [ ]
# ARTIC Bioinformatics installation (click the play button to install)
import os
!mamba install -q -y np-artic
!echo "Testing install (version should be displayed below)"
!artic --version
!echo "Installing nextclade"
!npm install --global @neherlab/nextclade;
!echo "Installing pangolin"
!mamba create -n pangolin -c bioconda --quiet --yes pangolin=3.1.4
This tutorial is provided with a sample dataset. Samples included in the demonstration dataset were obtained from European Nucleotide Archive project PRJNA650037. This project has the title Johns Hopkins Viral Genomics of Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) and describes 210 virus samples that have been sequenced according to the ARTIC protocol on a GridION device. Ten samples with unique barcodes in the range 1..12 were picked from this project for this demonstration dataset.
To download the sample file we run the linux
command wget
. To execute the command click on the cell and then press Command/Ctrl-Enter, or click the Play symbol to the left-hand side.
bucket = "ont-exd-int-s3-euwst1-epi2me-labs"
domain = ""
site = "https://{}.{}".format(bucket, domain)
!wget -O sars-barcoded-samples.tar.gz "$site/ncov_tutorial/sars-barcoded-samples.tar.gz"
print("Extracting data...")
!rm -rf sars-barcoded-samples
!tar -xzf sars-barcoded-samples.tar.gz
# a second larger sample dataset is also available for testing
#!wget -O 96samples.tar.bz2 "$site/ncov_tutorial/96samples.tar.bz2"
#print("Extracting data...")
#!rm -rf 180min
#!tar -xjf 96samples.tar.bz2
#!mv 180min 96samples
If you wish to analyse your own data rather than the sample data, you can edit the value of the input_file
variable below. To find the correct full path of a file you can navigate to it in the Files
browser to the left-hand side, right-click on the file and select Copy path
The location shared with the EPI2ME labs server from your computer will show as /epi2melabs
, for example a file located at /data/my_gridion_run/fastq_pass
on your computer will appear as /epi2melabs/my_gridion_run/fastq_pass
when it is the /data
folder that is shared.
The workflow requires one or more .fastq
files from an Oxford Nanopore Technologies' sequencing device. The workflow does not include a demultiplex step as reads should already have been demultiplexed in MinKNOW, if your data is not demultiplexed refer back to the protocol or use the demultiplex workflow in EPI2ME.
import os
import shutil
import ipywidgets as widgets
from epi2melabs import notebook
bucket = "ont-exd-int-s3-euwst1-epi2me-labs"
domain = ""
site = "https://{}.{}".format(bucket, domain)
input_folder = None
recursive = None
output_folder = None
run_name = None
overwrite = None
primer_scheme_directory = None
def process_form(inputs):
global input_folder, resursive, output_folder, run_name, overwrite, primer_scheme_directory
input_folder = inputs.input_folder
recursive = inputs.recursive
output_folder = inputs.output_folder
run_name = inputs.run_name
overwrite = inputs.overwrite
success = True
msg_lines = []
# check input folder
!cecho ok "Checking input folder"
if not os.path.exists(input_folder):
print(notebook.error(" - `{}` does not exist.".format(input_folder)))
msg = "Input folder: {}".format(input_folder)
# check output
!cecho ok "Checking output folder"
if os.path.exists(output_folder) and not overwrite:
msg = " - `{}` exists, overwrite not selected".format(output_folder)
primer_scheme_directory = os.path.abspath(
os.path.join(output_folder, "primer_schemes"))
if os.path.exists(output_folder):
print(notebook.ok(" - Previous output folder exists, removing"))
print(notebook.error(' - Error while deleting directory'))
print(notebook.ok(" - Downloading primer schemes"))
primers = "primer_schemes.tar.gz"
!wget -O "$primers" "$site/ncov_tutorial/$primers"
!tar -xzvf "$primers"
!mv primer_schemes $output_folder
primer_scheme_directory = os.path.abspath(
os.path.join(output_folder, "primer_schemes"))
msg = "Output folder: {}".format(output_folder)
input_form = notebook.InputForm(
notebook.InputSpec('input_folder', 'Input folder', "/epi2melabs/ncov_tutorial/sars-barcoded-samples"),
notebook.InputSpec('recursive', 'Recursive input search', False),
notebook.InputSpec('output_folder', 'Output folder', "/epi2melabs/ncov_tutorial/analysis/"),
notebook.InputSpec('run_name', 'Run name', 'run0'),
notebook.InputSpec('overwrite', 'Overwrite existing', False),
VBox(children=(HBox(children=(Label(value='Input folder', layout=Layout(width='200px')), interactive(children=…
The form below can be used to change the analysis parameters from their defaults.
The input directory should contain reads which have already been demultiplexed (Either 12/24- or 96-barcodes).
The default minimum and maximum read lengths are appropriate for the ARTIC 400mer applicon sets, and experiment using alterative amplicon scheme (e.g. the V1200 scheme) should change these values.
import glob
import multiprocessing
import os
import shutil
import ipywidgets as widgets
from epi2melabs import notebook
debug = True
ref_name = "MN908947.3"
ref_len = 29903
threads = None
primer_set = None
minimum_reads = None
min_read_length = None
max_read_length = None
barcode_arrangements = None
require_both_ends = None
seq_summary_file = None
medaka_model = None
report = None
!run medaka tools list_models > medaka_models.txt
model_keys = {'Available', 'Default consensus'}
models = dict()
with open("medaka_models.txt") as fh:
for line in fh.readlines():
for model_key in model_keys:
key, items = line.split(":")
mods = [m.strip() for m in items.split(",")]
models[key] = [m for m in mods if ('variant' in m)]
def process_form(inputs):
global threads, \
primer_set, minimum_reads, min_read_length, max_read_length, \
seq_summary_file, medaka_model, report, barcode_arrangement
threads = inputs.threads
primer_set = inputs.primer_set
minimum_reads = inputs.minimum_reads
barcode_arrangement = inputs.barcode_arrangements
#min_read_length = inputs.min_read_length
#max_read_length = inputs.max_read_length
medaka_model = inputs.medaka_model
if "V1200" in primer_set:
min_read_length, max_read_length = 150, 1200
min_read_length, max_read_length = 400, 700
text = """
###Analysis Parameters
input: {}
primer set: {}
minimum reads: {}
min. read length: {}
max. read length: {}
barcode arrangement: {}
input_folder, primer_set, minimum_reads, min_read_length, max_read_length,
print(text.replace('###', ''))
report =
"SARS-Cov-2 Analysis",
"EPI2MELabs summary report for: {}.".format(run_name),
require_keys = True)
report.markdown(text, key="simple preamble")
primers = ["SARS-CoV-2/{}".format(v) for v in ("V1", "V2", "V3", "V4", "V1200")]
# note: code later on in this notebook assumes SARS-CoV-2
#primers.extend(["spike-seq/{}".format(v) for v in ("V1", )])
input_form = notebook.InputForm(
notebook.InputSpec('threads', 'Compute threads', (1, multiprocessing.cpu_count())),
notebook.InputSpec('primer_set', 'Primer set', widgets.Dropdown(options=primers, value="SARS-CoV-2/V4")),
notebook.InputSpec('minimum_reads', 'Minimum reads', widgets.IntText(10000)),
#notebook.InputSpec('min_read_length', 'Minimum read length', widgets.IntText(400)),
#notebook.InputSpec('max_read_length', 'Maximum read length', widgets.IntText(700)),
'medaka_model', 'Medaka model name',
widgets.Dropdown(value=models['Default variant'][0], options=models['Available'])),
'barcode_arrangements', 'Barcode arrangement',
widgets.Dropdown(options=["12", "24", "96"])),
VBox(children=(HBox(children=(Label(value='Compute threads', layout=Layout(width='200px')), interactive(childr…
With our software environment set up and our inputs specified it is time to move on the the analysis. The following workflow begins with quality control of the reads, followed by running of the Artic analysis and then downstream anaylsis of the Artic results.
In this section we will merge the reads within each barcoded folder and review average quality, read length and per barcode read depth. These results will be added to the final report.
# Merging data files (press play)
import pandas as pd
import pysam
import numpy as np
from tqdm.notebook import tqdm
def mean_qual(quals):
"""Calculate mean quality score of a read."""
qual = np.fromiter(
(ord(x) - 33 for x in quals),
dtype=int, count=len(quals))
mean_p = np.mean(np.power(10, qual / -10))
return -10 * np.log10(mean_p)
print(notebook.ok("Creating read summary from .fastq data."))
def get_read_lengths(fname):
data = []
barcode = os.path.basename(os.path.dirname(fname))
if not (barcode.startswith('barcode') or barcode == 'unclassified'):
raise ValueError('.fastq data found in a folder named "barcode*".')
for read in pysam.FastxFile(fname):
data.append("{}\t{}\t{}\t{}\n".format(, barcode, len(read.sequence), mean_qual(read.quality)))
data = ''.join(data)
return data
fastqs = glob.glob(os.path.join(input_folder, "**", "*.fastq*"))
print(notebook.ok(" - Found {} files.".format(len(fastqs))))
seq_summary_file = os.path.join(output_folder, "read_lengths.txt")
with open(seq_summary_file, "w") as fh:
#for results in map(get_read_lengths, fastqs):
# fh.write(results)
with tqdm(total=len(fastqs)) as progress:
for results in map(get_read_lengths, fastqs):
except Exception as e:
print(notebook.error(" - Failed to create sequence summary."))
print(notebook.success(" - Created sequence summary."))
seq_summary = pd.read_csv(seq_summary_file, "\t")
Creating read summary from .fastq data. - Found 11 files.
0%| | 0/11 [00:00<?, ?it/s]
- Created sequence summary.
To generate a QC report, run the cell below:
# Reads QC Report (press play)
import aplanat
from aplanat import bars, hist, annot
from aplanat.util import Colors
from bokeh.models import Span
from bokeh.layouts import gridplot
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
plots = list()
total_bases = seq_summary['sequence_length_template'].sum()
mean_length = total_bases / len(seq_summary)
median_length = np.median(seq_summary['sequence_length_template'])
# read length plot
datas = [seq_summary['sequence_length_template']]
length_hist = hist.histogram(
datas, bins=400,
title="Read length distribution.",
x_axis_label='Read Length / bases',
y_axis_label='Number of reads',
colors = [Colors.cerulean],
xlim=(0, 2000))
length_hist = annot.marker_vline(
length_hist, min_read_length,
label="Min: {}".format(min_read_length), text_baseline='bottom', color='grey')
length_hist = annot.marker_vline(
length_hist, max_read_length,
label="Max: {}".format(max_read_length), text_baseline='top')
length_hist = annot.subtitle(
"Mean: {:.0f}. Median: {:.0f}".format(
mean_length, median_length))
datas = [seq_summary['read_quality']]
mean_q, median_q = np.mean(datas[0]), np.median(datas[0])
q_hist = hist.histogram(
datas, colors=[Colors.cerulean], bins=100,
title="Read quality score",
x_axis_label="Quality score",
y_axis_label="Number of reads",
xlim=(4, 25))
q_hist = annot.subtitle(
"Mean: {:.0f}. Median: {:.0f}".format(
mean_q, median_q))
# barcode count plot
good_reads = seq_summary.loc[
(seq_summary['sequence_length_template'] > min_read_length)
& (seq_summary['sequence_length_template'] > min_read_length)]
barcode_counts = (
columns={'index':'barcode', 'barcode_arrangement':'count'})
bc_counts = bars.simple_bar(
barcode_counts['barcode'], barcode_counts['count'], colors=Colors.cerulean,
title='Number of reads per barcode (filtered by {} < length < {})'.format(min_read_length, max_read_length))
bc_counts = annot.subtitle(
'Barcodes with fewer than {} reads will not be analysed further.'.format(
bc_counts.xaxis.major_label_orientation = 3.14/2
bc_counts = annot.marker_hline(bc_counts, minimum_reads)
# determine which barcode datasets are good
barcode_counts['sufficient data'] = barcode_counts['count'] > minimum_reads
valid_barcodes = set(
barcode_counts.loc[barcode_counts['sufficient data']]['barcode'])
plots = gridplot(plots, ncols=2)
### Read Quality Control
The following depicts reads remaining after barcode demultiplexing.
""", key="qc_header")
report.plot(plots, key="qc_plots"), background="#f4f4f4")
With demultiplexed reads, we are in a position to analyse each dataset independently using the ARTIC workflow.
# Run ARTIC analysis for each barcode (press play)
def run_artic(
barcode, directory, artic_output,
min_len=400, max_len=700, run_name="run0", threads=8,
!mkdir -p $artic_output/$barcode
prefix = os.path.join(artic_output, barcode, run_name)
log_file = "{}_artic.log".format(prefix)
print("Writing log file to: {}.".format(log_file))
# read filtering
!cecho ok "Running artic guppyplex to filter reads"
!echo "=== Start of 'artic guppyplex' log" >> $log_file
!run artic guppyplex --skip-quality-check \
--min-length $min_len --max-length $max_len \
--directory $directory --prefix $prefix >>$log_file 2>&1 \
&& echo " - artic guppyplex finished"
# the output of the above will be:
read_file = "{}_{}.fastq".format(prefix, barcode)
# run everything else
!cecho ok "Running artic minion --medaka to call variants"
!echo "=== Start of 'artic minion' log" >> $log_file
!run artic minion --medaka --normalise 200 --threads $threads \
--read-file $read_file \
--medaka-model $medaka_model \
--scheme-directory $primer_scheme_directory \
$scheme $prefix \
>>$log_file 2>&1 \
&& echo " - artic minion finished"
!cecho ok "Running alignment QC"
!echo "=== Start of 'alignment QC' log" >> $log_file
for i in (1,2):
input_bam = "{}.primertrimmed.rg.sorted.bam".format(prefix)
#tag = "nCoV-2019_{}".format(i)
tag = i
bam = "{}.{}".format(input_bam, tag)
if os.path.isfile(input_bam):
!samtools view -r $tag -b $input_bam > $bam
!samtools index $bam
!stats_from_bam $bam > $bam".stats"
!coverage_from_bam -s 50 -p $bam $bam
!rm -rf $bam $bam.bai
!echo error " - No Artic output bam file found for primer set $i, Artic failed."
return prefix
# setup artic output
artic_output = os.path.join(output_folder, "artic")
# run analysis for each barcode
valid_barcodes = [
x for x in barcode_counts.loc[barcode_counts['sufficient data']]['barcode']
if x != "unclassified"]
print(notebook.warning("Running Artic for:"))
for barcode in valid_barcodes:
print(" {}".format(barcode))
for barcode in valid_barcodes:
msg = "Running ARTIC analysis for: {}".format(barcode)
print(notebook.warning("-" * len(msg)))
artic_input = os.path.join(input_folder, barcode)
!rm -rf $artic_output/$barcode
out_prefix = run_artic(
barcode, artic_input, artic_output,
min_len=min_read_length, max_len=max_read_length, run_name=run_name,
threads=threads, scheme=primer_set)
print("Results for {} can be found at {}".format(barcode, out_prefix))
msg = "ARTIC finished for: {}".format(barcode)
print("=" * len(msg))
/epi2melabs/ncov_tutorial/analysis/ Running Artic for: barcode01 barcode02 barcode03 barcode05 barcode06 barcode07 barcode08 barcode09 barcode10 barcode12 Running ARTIC analysis for: barcode01 ------------------------------------- Writing log file to: /epi2melabs/ncov_tutorial/analysis/artic/barcode01/run0_artic.log. Running artic guppyplex to filter reads - artic guppyplex finished Running artic minion --medaka to call variants - artic minion finished Running alignment QC Mapped/Unmapped/Short/Masked/Skipped(all matches masked): 6656/0/0/0/0 [13:14:54 - root] Processing region MN908947.3:0-29900 Mapped/Unmapped/Short/Masked/Skipped(all matches masked): 6551/0/0/0/0 [13:14:57 - root] Processing region MN908947.3:0-29900 Results for barcode01 can be found at /epi2melabs/ncov_tutorial/analysis/artic/barcode01/run0 ARTIC finished for: barcode01 ============================= Running ARTIC analysis for: barcode02 ------------------------------------- Writing log file to: /epi2melabs/ncov_tutorial/analysis/artic/barcode02/run0_artic.log. Running artic guppyplex to filter reads - artic guppyplex finished Running artic minion --medaka to call variants - artic minion finished Running alignment QC Mapped/Unmapped/Short/Masked/Skipped(all matches masked): 6421/0/0/0/0 [13:17:46 - root] Processing region MN908947.3:0-29900 Mapped/Unmapped/Short/Masked/Skipped(all matches masked): 6576/0/0/0/0 [13:17:49 - root] Processing region MN908947.3:0-29900 Results for barcode02 can be found at /epi2melabs/ncov_tutorial/analysis/artic/barcode02/run0 ARTIC finished for: barcode02 ============================= Running ARTIC analysis for: barcode03 ------------------------------------- Writing log file to: /epi2melabs/ncov_tutorial/analysis/artic/barcode03/run0_artic.log. Running artic guppyplex to filter reads - artic guppyplex finished Running artic minion --medaka to call variants - artic minion finished Running alignment QC Mapped/Unmapped/Short/Masked/Skipped(all matches masked): 6624/0/0/0/0 [13:20:28 - root] Processing region MN908947.3:0-29900 Mapped/Unmapped/Short/Masked/Skipped(all matches masked): 6354/0/0/0/0 [13:20:30 - root] Processing region MN908947.3:0-29900 Results for barcode03 can be found at /epi2melabs/ncov_tutorial/analysis/artic/barcode03/run0 ARTIC finished for: barcode03 ============================= Running ARTIC analysis for: barcode05 ------------------------------------- Writing log file to: /epi2melabs/ncov_tutorial/analysis/artic/barcode05/run0_artic.log. Running artic guppyplex to filter reads - artic guppyplex finished Running artic minion --medaka to call variants - artic minion finished Running alignment QC Mapped/Unmapped/Short/Masked/Skipped(all matches masked): 5772/0/0/0/0 [13:23:18 - root] Processing region MN908947.3:0-29900 Mapped/Unmapped/Short/Masked/Skipped(all matches masked): 5973/0/0/0/0 [13:23:20 - root] Processing region MN908947.3:0-29900 Results for barcode05 can be found at /epi2melabs/ncov_tutorial/analysis/artic/barcode05/run0 ARTIC finished for: barcode05 ============================= Running ARTIC analysis for: barcode06 ------------------------------------- Writing log file to: /epi2melabs/ncov_tutorial/analysis/artic/barcode06/run0_artic.log. Running artic guppyplex to filter reads - artic guppyplex finished Running artic minion --medaka to call variants - artic minion finished Running alignment QC Mapped/Unmapped/Short/Masked/Skipped(all matches masked): 6811/0/0/0/0 [13:26:10 - root] Processing region MN908947.3:0-29900 Mapped/Unmapped/Short/Masked/Skipped(all matches masked): 6444/0/0/0/0 [13:26:13 - root] Processing region MN908947.3:0-29900 Results for barcode06 can be found at /epi2melabs/ncov_tutorial/analysis/artic/barcode06/run0 ARTIC finished for: barcode06 ============================= Running ARTIC analysis for: barcode07 ------------------------------------- Writing log file to: /epi2melabs/ncov_tutorial/analysis/artic/barcode07/run0_artic.log. Running artic guppyplex to filter reads - artic guppyplex finished Running artic minion --medaka to call variants - artic minion finished Running alignment QC Mapped/Unmapped/Short/Masked/Skipped(all matches masked): 7003/0/0/0/0 [13:28:44 - root] Processing region MN908947.3:0-29900 Mapped/Unmapped/Short/Masked/Skipped(all matches masked): 6247/0/0/0/0 [13:28:46 - root] Processing region MN908947.3:0-29900 Results for barcode07 can be found at /epi2melabs/ncov_tutorial/analysis/artic/barcode07/run0 ARTIC finished for: barcode07 ============================= Running ARTIC analysis for: barcode08 ------------------------------------- Writing log file to: /epi2melabs/ncov_tutorial/analysis/artic/barcode08/run0_artic.log. Running artic guppyplex to filter reads - artic guppyplex finished Running artic minion --medaka to call variants - artic minion finished Running alignment QC Mapped/Unmapped/Short/Masked/Skipped(all matches masked): 7638/0/0/0/0 [13:31:34 - root] Processing region MN908947.3:0-29900 Mapped/Unmapped/Short/Masked/Skipped(all matches masked): 7412/0/0/0/0 [13:31:36 - root] Processing region MN908947.3:0-29900 Results for barcode08 can be found at /epi2melabs/ncov_tutorial/analysis/artic/barcode08/run0 ARTIC finished for: barcode08 ============================= Running ARTIC analysis for: barcode09 ------------------------------------- Writing log file to: /epi2melabs/ncov_tutorial/analysis/artic/barcode09/run0_artic.log. Running artic guppyplex to filter reads - artic guppyplex finished Running artic minion --medaka to call variants - artic minion finished Running alignment QC Mapped/Unmapped/Short/Masked/Skipped(all matches masked): 7355/0/0/0/0 [13:34:29 - root] Processing region MN908947.3:0-29900 Mapped/Unmapped/Short/Masked/Skipped(all matches masked): 7054/0/0/0/0 [13:34:31 - root] Processing region MN908947.3:0-29900 Results for barcode09 can be found at /epi2melabs/ncov_tutorial/analysis/artic/barcode09/run0 ARTIC finished for: barcode09 ============================= Running ARTIC analysis for: barcode10 ------------------------------------- Writing log file to: /epi2melabs/ncov_tutorial/analysis/artic/barcode10/run0_artic.log. Running artic guppyplex to filter reads - artic guppyplex finished Running artic minion --medaka to call variants - artic minion finished Running alignment QC Mapped/Unmapped/Short/Masked/Skipped(all matches masked): 6412/0/0/0/0 [13:37:12 - root] Processing region MN908947.3:0-29900 Mapped/Unmapped/Short/Masked/Skipped(all matches masked): 6558/0/0/0/0 [13:37:14 - root] Processing region MN908947.3:0-29900 Results for barcode10 can be found at /epi2melabs/ncov_tutorial/analysis/artic/barcode10/run0 ARTIC finished for: barcode10 ============================= Running ARTIC analysis for: barcode12 ------------------------------------- Writing log file to: /epi2melabs/ncov_tutorial/analysis/artic/barcode12/run0_artic.log. Running artic guppyplex to filter reads - artic guppyplex finished Running artic minion --medaka to call variants - artic minion finished Running alignment QC Mapped/Unmapped/Short/Masked/Skipped(all matches masked): 6457/0/0/0/0 [13:40:05 - root] Processing region MN908947.3:0-29900 Mapped/Unmapped/Short/Masked/Skipped(all matches masked): 6372/0/0/0/0 [13:40:07 - root] Processing region MN908947.3:0-29900 Results for barcode12 can be found at /epi2melabs/ncov_tutorial/analysis/artic/barcode12/run0 ARTIC finished for: barcode12 =============================
The ARTIC worflow produces the following files for each barcode (<run_name> is the value given at the top of this page):
- BAM file for visualisation after primer-binding site trimming<run_name>.trimmed.bam
- BAM file with the primers left on (used in variant calling)<run_name>.merged.vcf
- all detected variants in VCF format<run_name>.pass.vcf.gz
- detected variants in VCF format passing quality filter<run_name>.fail.vcf
- detected variants in VCF format failing quality filter<run_name>.primers.vcf
- detected variants falling in primer-binding regions<run_name>.consensus.fasta
- consensus sequenceThese will be present in folders named as:
where <output_folder>
is the value given at the top of this page and <barcode>
is the identified barcode for each dataset.
The artic workflow does not collate all consensus sequences from each barcode together. To do this run the codecell below. You will be given the opportunity to provide meaningful names to each sample if desired. These sequences can be uploaded to nextclade for further analysis, or submitted to GISAID.
# Outputting consensus sequences to FASTA (click play)
from IPython.display import FileLink
pinger.send_notebook_ping('stop', tutorial_name)
consensuses = glob.glob("{0}/artic/barcode*/{1}.consensus.fasta".format(output_folder, run_name))
collated = None
def process_files(inputs):
global collated
collated = os.path.join(output_folder, "all_artic_consensus.fasta")
!rm -rf $collated
for consensus in consensuses:
barcode = os.path.basename(os.path.dirname(consensus))
name = getattr(inputs, barcode)
!sed "s/^>.*/>$name/" $consensus >> $collated
print("Collated sequences written to:")
display(FileLink(collated, url_prefix="/files/"))
inputs = list()
for con in consensuses:
barcode = os.path.basename(os.path.dirname(con))
inputs.append(notebook.InputSpec(barcode, "Sample name for {}:".format(barcode), "{}_{}".format(run_name, barcode)))
cons_form = notebook.InputForm(*inputs, description_width="200px")
VBox(children=(HBox(children=(Label(value='Sample name for barcode01:', layout=Layout(width='200px')), interac…
A check to see how many samples passed or failed to produce results from the primary ARTIC analysis.
# Success/Failed analysis
from bokeh.models import Panel, Range1d, Tabs
!cp $collated .
!grep "^>" all_artic_consensus.fasta \
| awk 'BEGIN{OFS="\t"; print "sample\tpass"}{print substr($1, 2), $2!="Artic-Fail"}' > pass_fail.txt
status = pd.read_csv('pass_fail.txt', sep='\t')
failed = status.loc[status['pass'] == 0]
if len(failed) == 0:
fail_list = "All samples analysed successfully"
fail_list = failed['sample']', ')
fail_percentage = int(100 * len(failed) / len(status))
classes = ['Success', 'Analysis Failed']
values = [100 - fail_percentage, fail_percentage]
colors = ['#54B8B1', '#EF4135']
plot = bars.single_hbar(
values, classes, colors,
title="Completed analyses",
x_axis_label="%age Samples")
plot.x_range = Range1d(0, 140)
print(fail_list), background="#F4F4F4")
#### Artic analysis status
The panel below lists samples which failed to produce results from the primary ARTIC analysis.
Samples not listed here were analysed successfully, but may still contain inconclusive or invalid results.
See the following sections for further indications of failed or inconclusive results.
All samples analysed successfully
Running the below will produce a simple tabular summary for each barcoded dataset.
# ARTIC Summary Table (click play)
from collections import Counter, defaultdict
import gzip
from pysam import FastxFile
from Bio import SeqIO
if "96" in barcode_arrangement:
max_bc = 96
elif "24" in barcode_arrangement:
max_bc = 24
max_bc = 12
!cecho ok "The tables below assume you are using up to $max_bc barcodes."
artic_output = os.path.join(output_folder, "artic")
results = defaultdict(dict)
for barcode in ('barcode{:02}'.format(x) for x in range(1, max_bc + 1)):
results[barcode]["Ns"] = 'NA'
results[barcode]['variants'] = 'NA'
if not barcode in valid_barcodes:
consensus_file = os.path.join(
artic_output, barcode, "{}.consensus.fasta".format(run_name))
vcf_file = os.path.join(
artic_output, barcode, "{}.pass.vcf.gz".format(run_name))
recs = 0
for record in SeqIO.parse(consensus_file, "fasta"):
recs += 1
results[barcode]["Ns"] = record.seq.count("N")
except FileNotFoundError as e:
!cecho error "ARTIC pipeline failed to produce consensus.fasta file for $barcode"
if recs != 1:
!cecho error "ARTIC pipeline produced one than one consensus contig for $barcode"
variants = 0
with as vcf:
for line in (x.decode() for x in vcf):
if line.startswith('#'):
variants += 1
results[barcode]['variants'] = variants
df = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(results)
df.columns = ['bc{:02}'.format(x) for x in range(1, max_bc + 1)]
parts = [
['bc{:02}'.format(x) for x in range(start, start + 12)]
for start in range(1, max_bc + 1, 12)]
### Per barcode results
The variants discovered per barcode were as follows. `NA` indicated the barcode
was not present, or that too few reads were obtained for analysis to be performed.
""", key="results_header")
for i, p in enumerate(parts):
report.table(df[p], key="summary_pt{}".format(i))
The tables below assume you are using up to 12 barcodes.
bc01 | bc02 | bc03 | bc04 | bc05 | bc06 | bc07 | bc08 | bc09 | bc10 | bc11 | bc12 | |
Ns | 4597 | 4659 | 4661 | NA | 4648 | 4665 | 4729 | 4322 | 3858 | 4662 | NA | 4680 |
variants | 13 | 10 | 12 | NA | 9 | 9 | 6 | 11 | 11 | 8 | NA | 10 |
The results of the ARTIC pipeline include alignment of the reads to a reference genome. A summary of these alignments is produced by the section below. Things to look for here include even coverage of amplicons and that the negative control sample shows little to no data.
# Collate ARTIC alignment statistics (press play)
from aplanat import lines
from aplanat import util
bam_name = ".primertrimmed.rg.sorted.bam.{}"
cover_suffix = "_{}_0_{}.depth.txt".format(ref_name, ref_len)
stats_suffix = ".stats"
dfs_cover = list()
dfs_stats = list()
for barcode in valid_barcodes:
stats_stem = os.path.join(artic_output, barcode, run_name)
for i in (1,2):
df = pd.read_csv(stats_stem + bam_name.format(i) + cover_suffix, sep='\t')
df['primer_set'] = i
df['barcode'] = barcode
df = pd.read_csv(stats_stem + bam_name.format(i) + stats_suffix, sep='\t')
df['primer_set'] = i
df['barcode'] = barcode
cover_summary = pd.concat(dfs_cover)
stats_summary = pd.concat(dfs_stats)
dfs_cover, dfs_stats = None, None
print("Finished collating data")
Finished collating data
With the summary data collated we can plot coverage histograms for all barcoded samples, across primer pools or by read orientation. Use the tabs to switch between views.
For adequate variant calling depth should be at least 30X in any region.
To better display all possible data, the depth axes of the plots below are not tied between plots for different samples. Care should be taken in comparing depth across samples.
# Collate and visualise depth summary report
def read_files(summaries, sep='\t'):
"""Read a set of files and join to single dataframe."""
dfs = list()
for fname in sorted(summaries):
dfs.append(pd.read_csv(fname, sep=sep))
return pd.concat(dfs)
# depth summary by primer pool
df = cover_summary
plots_pool = list()
plots_orient = list()
plots_combined = list()
depth_lim = 100
for sample in sorted(df['barcode'].unique()):
bc = df['barcode'] == sample
depth = df[bc].groupby('pos').sum().reset_index()
depth_thresh = \
100*(depth['depth'] >= depth_lim).sum() / len(depth['depth'])
depth_mean = depth['depth'].mean()
# total depth plot
# plot line just to get aplanat niceities
p = lines.line(
[depth['pos']], [depth['depth']], colors=[Colors.cerulean],
title="{}: {:.0f}X, {:.1f}% > {}X".format(
sample, depth_mean, depth_thresh, depth_lim),
height=250, width=400,
x_axis_label='position', y_axis_label='depth',
x=depth['pos'], y1=0.1, y2=depth['depth'],
# fwd/rev
xs = [depth['pos'], depth['pos']]
ys = [depth['depth_fwd'], depth['depth_rev']]
names = ['fwd', 'rev']
colors = [Colors.dark_gray, Colors.verdigris]
p = lines.line(
xs, ys, colors=colors, names=names,
title="{}: {:.0f}X, {:.1f}% > {}X".format(
sample, depth_mean, depth_thresh, depth_lim),
height=250, width=350,
x_axis_label='position', y_axis_label='depth')
for x, y, name, color in zip(xs, ys, names, colors):
x=x, y1=0, y2=y, legend_label=name,
fill_color=color, alpha=0.7,
muted_color=color, muted_alpha=0.2)
p.legend.click_policy = 'mute'
# primer set plot
pset = df['primer_set']
xs = [df.loc[(pset == i) & bc]['pos'] for i in (1, 2)]
ys = [df.loc[(pset == i) & bc]['depth'] for i in (1, 2)]
names = ['pool-1', 'pool-2']
colors = [Colors.light_cornflower_blue, Colors.feldgrau]
p = lines.line(
xs, ys, colors=colors, names=names,
title="{}: {:.0f}X, {:.1f}% > {}X".format(
sample, depth_mean, depth_thresh, depth_lim),
height=250, width=350,
x_axis_label='position', y_axis_label='depth')
for x, y, name, color in zip(xs, ys, names, colors):
x=x, y1=0, y2=y, legend_label=name,
fill_color=color, alpha=0.7,
muted_color=color, muted_alpha=0.2)
p.legend.click_policy = 'mute'
tab1 = Panel(
child=gridplot(plots_combined, ncols=3), title="Coverage Plot")
tab2 = Panel(
child=gridplot(plots_pool[::2], ncols=3), title="By amplicon pool")
tab3 = Panel(
child=gridplot(plots_orient[::2], ncols=3), title="By read orientation")
cover_panel = Tabs(tabs=[tab1, tab2, tab3]), background="#F4F4F4")
### Genome Coverage
Plots below indicate depth of coverage from data used within the Artic analysis
coloured by amplicon pool. For adequate variant calling depth should be at least 30X in any region.
NB: To better display all possible data, the depth axes of the plots below are not tied between plots for different samples.
Care should be taken in comparing depth across samples.
It can be interesting also to examine the basecalling quality for the different samples and primer pools. This can indicate potential problems in the sequencing library preparation.
# Show basecall accuracies (press play)
plots = list()
df = stats_summary
for barcode in valid_barcodes:
pset = df['primer_set']
bc = df['barcode'] == barcode
xs, ys = list(), list()
for i in (1, 2):
d = df.loc[(pset == i) & bc]
if len(d) == 0:
!cecho warning "Warning: No basecalls for $barcode and primer set $i"
# aplanat can't currently plot empty data
x, y = [99.9, 100], [0, 0.0001]
x, y = util.kernel_density_estimate(d['acc'])
plot = lines.line(
list(xs), list(ys), colors=['blue', 'red'],
height=200, width=400,
x_axis_label='read accuracy', y_axis_label='density')
plots = gridplot(plots, ncols=3), background="#f4f4f4")
report.markdown("### Read accuracy", key="accuracy_header")
report.plot(plots, "accuracy_plots")
Create variant call summaries by analysing results from bcftools stats and add them to the report:
# Create bcf tools report section
from aplanat.components import bcfstats
#need to update names to match those input above
for barcode in ('barcode{:02}'.format(x) for x in range(1, max_bc + 1)):
if not barcode in valid_barcodes:
vcf_file = os.path.join(
artic_output, barcode, "{}.pass.vcf.gz".format(run_name))
vcf_stats_file = os.path.join(
artic_output, barcode, "{}.pass.vcf.stats".format(run_name))
!bcftools stats $vcf_file > $vcf_stats_file
vcf_stats = bcfstats.full_report(vcf_stats_files)
_ = report.add_section(key="vcf-stats", section=vcf_stats)
!echo "Report Section prepared"
# Create Nextclade report section
import argparse
import os
import pysam
from aplanat.components import nextclade
import re
primer_scheme_directory = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(output_folder, "primer_schemes"))
primer ="(?<=/).+",primer_set).group()
bedFile = os.path.join(primer_scheme_directory, 'SARS-CoV-2', primer, 'SARS-CoV-2.scheme.bed')
reference = os.path.join(primer_scheme_directory, 'SARS-CoV-2', primer, 'SARS-CoV-2.reference.fasta')
consensus = os.path.join(output_folder, 'all_artic_consensus.fasta')
output = os.path.join(output_folder, 'primers.csv')
refs = { r.sequence for r in pysam.FastxFile(reference)}
scheme = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(bedFile))[0]
# MN908947.3 30 54 nCoV-2019_1_LEFT 1 +
with open(bedFile) as fh, open(output, 'w') as out_fh:
out_fh.write("Country (Institute),Target,Oligonucleotide,Sequence\n")
for line in fh.readlines():
# the V1200 bed doesn't specific orientation
rname, start, end, name, pool, *_ = line.split('\t')
pname = '{}:{}-{}'.format(rname, start, end)
seq = refs[rname][int(start):int(end)]
out_fh.write(','.join((scheme, pname, name, seq)))
output = os.path.join(output_folder, 'nextclade.json')
primers = os.path.join(output_folder, 'primers.csv')
!nextclade --input-fasta $consensus --input-pcr-primers $primers --output-json $output --jobs 1;
section = report.add_section(key="nextclade", section=nextclade_section);
NB: To better display all possible data, the depth axes of the plots below are not tied between plots for different samples.
Care should be taken in comparing depth across samples.
""", key="nextclade-text");
print("Nextclade report section generated.")
getCodon: ambiguous codon "TT-: translating to aminoacid "X" getCodon: ambiguous codon "TA-: translating to aminoacid "X" getCodon: ambiguous codon "AA-: translating to aminoacid "X" getCodon: ambiguous codon "AA-: translating to aminoacid "X" getCodon: ambiguous codon "TA-: translating to aminoacid "X" Nextclade report section generated.
# Run pangolin to create Pangolin report
consensus = os.path.join(output_folder, 'all_artic_consensus.fasta')
!run pangolin $consensus 2>> pangolin.log 1>>pangolin.log
lineage = os.path.abspath('lineage_report.csv')
df = pd.read_csv(lineage)
section = report.add_section()
### Lineage
The table below reports the lineage of each sample as calculated by
""", key="pangolin-header");
taxon | lineage | conflict | ambiguity_score | scorpio_call | scorpio_support | scorpio_conflict | version | pangolin_version | pangoLEARN_version | pango_version | status | note | |
0 | run0_barcode01 | B.1 | 0.0 | 0.813714 | NaN | NaN | NaN | PLEARN-v1.2.66 | 3.1.4 | 2021-08-24 | v1.2.66 | passed_qc | NaN |
1 | run0_barcode09 | B.1 | 0.0 | 0.852964 | NaN | NaN | NaN | PLEARN-v1.2.66 | 3.1.4 | 2021-08-24 | v1.2.66 | passed_qc | NaN |
2 | run0_barcode08 | B.6 | 0.0 | 0.822838 | NaN | NaN | NaN | PLEARN-v1.2.66 | 3.1.4 | 2021-08-24 | v1.2.66 | passed_qc | NaN |
3 | run0_barcode07 | B.1.153 | 0.0 | 0.811778 | NaN | NaN | NaN | PLEARN-v1.2.66 | 3.1.4 | 2021-08-24 | v1.2.66 | passed_qc | NaN |
4 | run0_barcode03 | A.1 | 0.0 | 0.810728 | NaN | NaN | NaN | PLEARN-v1.2.66 | 3.1.4 | 2021-08-24 | v1.2.66 | passed_qc | NaN |
5 | run0_barcode06 | B | 0.0 | 0.810781 | NaN | NaN | NaN | PLEARN-v1.2.66 | 3.1.4 | 2021-08-24 | v1.2.66 | passed_qc | NaN |
6 | run0_barcode12 | B.40 | 0.0 | 0.809993 | NaN | NaN | NaN | PLEARN-v1.2.66 | 3.1.4 | 2021-08-24 | v1.2.66 | passed_qc | NaN |
7 | run0_barcode10 | B | 0.0 | 0.811358 | NaN | NaN | NaN | PLEARN-v1.2.66 | 3.1.4 | 2021-08-24 | v1.2.66 | passed_qc | NaN |
8 | run0_barcode02 | B.1 | 0.0 | 0.811253 | NaN | NaN | NaN | PLEARN-v1.2.66 | 3.1.4 | 2021-08-24 | v1.2.66 | passed_qc | NaN |
9 | run0_barcode05 | B.1 | 0.0 | 0.811935 | NaN | NaN | NaN | PLEARN-v1.2.66 | 3.1.4 | 2021-08-24 | v1.2.66 | passed_qc | NaN |
To create a standalone document containing all the results from this notebook enter an output filename and run the code cell below:
# prepare summary report
def process_report_form(inputs):
report.write((os.path.join(output_folder, inputs.report_file)))
print("Report written to {}".format(os.path.join(output_folder, inputs.report_file)))
report_form = notebook.InputForm(
notebook.InputSpec('report_file', "Report filename", "sars-cov-2-report.html"))
VBox(children=(HBox(children=(Label(value='Report filename', layout=Layout(width='150px')), interactive(childr…
In this tutorial we have demonstrated use of the Artic pipeline for analysing SARC-CoV-2 samples. The notebook can be used with any .fastq dataset output by MinKNOW.
The analysis presented can be run on any dataset from an Oxford Nanopore Technologies' device.