This tutorial provides an introduction to the detection and analysis of structural variation (SV) from Oxford Nanopore Technologies whole human genome sequencing experiments. The tutorial walks through and introduces the steps involved in SV detection, filtering and refinement. The workflow introduced uses a human reads dataset (.fastq
file) as its starting point.
Computational requirements for this tutorial include:
⚠️ Warning: This notebook has been saved with its outputs for demostration purposed. It is recommeded to select Edit > Clear all outputs before using the notebook to analyse your own data.
Long read DNA sequences, when mapped to a reference genome, can be used for the discovery and characterisation of structural variation. This is achieved by investigating discordant mapping where regions of a single sequenced DNA molecule map to different regions of the genome. Software packages such as cuteSV identify these discordant regions and can be used to call insertions, deletions, duplications, and more.
This tutorial is based on the Oxford Nanopore Technologies wf-human-sv software, which is an automated end-to-end workflow available on github. This analysis pipeline utilises the cuteSV software and may be used to identify high confidence genomic insertion and deletion events in Human datasets.
The tutorial is packaged with example data from the Genome in a Bottle project (GM24385). The analysis considers a collection of sequence reads that map to a 50 Mb region from Chromosome 20.
The workflow covered in this tutorial will:
format in terms of read length and quality.LRA
file for qualitative characteristics including mapping quality, number of mapped reads and depth-of-coverage.cuteSV
format file.The tutorial workflow will answer questions such as:
The structural variation tutorial requires long read whole genome human sequencing data in .fastq
format. An example dataset is provided with this workflow.
Tip: To execute the commands click on the cell and then press Command/Ctrl-Enter, or click the Play symbol to the left-hand side.
Before anything else we will create and set a working directory:
from epi2melabs import ping
pinger = ping.Pingu()
pinger.send_notebook_ping('start', 'sv_tutorial')
# create a work directory and move into it
tutorial_name = "sv_tutorial"
working_dir = "/epi2melabs/{}/".format(tutorial_name)
!mkdir -p "$working_dir"
%cd "$working_dir"
This tutorial uses software packages that are not included in the default EPI2ME Labs server.
Please note that the software installed is not persistent and this step will need to be re-run if you stop and restart the EPI2ME Labs server
# Install additional packages via mamba (click play)
!mamba install lra cuteSV seqtk fastcat -yq
To demonstrate this structural variation workflow a small dataset is provided. This dataset corresponds to sequence reads from the GM12878 human reference material that map to the hg19 reference genome. To facilitate a quick analysis and speedy download the whole dataset has been downsampled to a 50 Mb region of chromosome 20.
The code below will download the sample .fastq
reads, the reference genome in .fasta
format and a tabular .bed
file for targeted calling. The wget
command is used to download the files.
# Download sample data (click play)
import os
# download the data
s3_bucket = "ont-exd-int-s3-euwst1-epi2me-labs"
s3_prefix = "sv_tutorial/GM24385.nf7.chr20_af_minimap2.fastq.gz"
s3_reference = "sv_tutorial/chr20_human_g1k_v37.fasta.gz"
s3_bedfile = "sv_tutorial/target.bed"
s3_alignments = "sv_tutorial/GM24385.nf7.chr20_af_minimap2.bam"
reads = os.path.basename(s3_prefix)
bam = os.path.basename(s3_alignments)
reference = os.path.basename(s3_reference)
!echo "Downloading sample data"
!wget -O "$reads" https://"$s3_bucket""$s3_prefix"
!wget -O "$reference" https://"$s3_bucket""$s3_reference"
!wget -O "target.bed" https://"$s3_bucket""$s3_bedfile"
!wget -O "$bam" https://"$s3_bucket""$s3_alignments"
If you wish to analyse your own data rather than the sample data, you can edit the value .fastq input
variable below. To find the correct full path of a directory you can navigate to it in
the Files
browser to the left-hand side, right-click on the file and select Copy path
The location shared with the EPI2ME labs server from your computer will show as /epi2melabs
, for example a file located at /data/my_gridion_run/fastq_pass
on your computer will appear as /epi2melabs/my_gridion_run/fastq_pass
when it is the /data
folder that is shared.
Having downloaded the sample data, or locating your own data in the file browser, we need to provide the appropriate file locations as input to the notebook.
The main inputs are:
is the set of reads in .fastq
format (gzip allowed).reference
is the reference genome file in .fasta
format (gzip allowed).target_bed
is a .bed
coordinate file that defines the genomic regions of interest. If you do not wish to filter by a region leave this field empty. See the appendix for more details.threads
defines the number of compute threads that will be used by the processes that can multi-thread. Please do not use more threads than are available on your computer.Finally, we can also tune the characteristics of the SV analysis using the following inputs:
and max_sv_length
defines the length of the shortest and longest allowable structural variations respectively.min_read_length
sets the minimum length of reads to be considered when discovering SVs.min_read_support
determines how many reads at minimum must be in support of a potential SV for it to be called.mean_read_mapping_quality
sets the minimum average quality of reads to be considered when discovering SVs.The form below can also be edited to reflect different values for the above options, but sensible defaults are provided. Ensure that you click the form Enter
button to set the variables for the rest of the workflow.
# Re-generate input form and global variables (click play)
import multiprocessing
import os
import aplanat
from aplanat import report, graphics
import ipywidgets as widgets
from epi2melabs.notebook import InputForm, InputSpec, cecho
# Inputs
fastq = None
reference = None
target_bed = None
# Parameters
threads = None
min_sv_length = None
max_sv_length = None
min_read_support = None
min_read_length = None
min_read_mapping_quality = None
# Intermediate results
aligned_bam = "aligned.bam"
calls_vcf = "calls.vcf"
filtered_vcf = "filtered.vcf"
sorted_filtered_vcf = "sorted.filtered.vcf"
sorted_filtered_vcf_gz = "sorted.filtered.vcf.gz"
depth_bedfile = 'depth.regions.bed.gz'
alignment_stats = "alignments.seqkit.tsv"
# Outputs
html_report = None
exec_summary = None
def process_form(inputs):
global fastq, reference, target_bed, threads, \
min_sv_length, max_sv_length, min_read_support, \
min_read_length, min_read_mapping_quality, \
html_report, exec_summary
fastq = inputs.fastq
reference = inputs.reference
target_bed = inputs.target_bed
threads = inputs.threads
min_sv_length = inputs.min_sv_length
max_sv_length = inputs.max_sv_length
min_read_support = inputs.min_read_support
min_read_length = inputs.min_read_length
min_read_mapping_quality = inputs.min_read_mapping_quality
if not os.path.isfile(fastq):
!cecho error "Fastq '{}' does not exist.".format(fastq)
if not os.path.isfile(reference):
!cecho error "Reference '{}' does not exist.".format(reference)
if target_bed != "" and not os.path.isfile:
!cecho error "Target bed file '{}' does not exist.".format(target_bed)
if min_sv_length < 0 or max_sv_length <= 0 or min_read_mapping_quality < 0:
!echo error "Invalid value(s) given for `min_sv_length`, `max_read_length`, or `min_read_mapping_quality`."
html_report = report.HTMLReport(
"Structural Variation", "Summary of read alignments and SV discovery.",
html_report.markdown("## Executive Summary", "exec-title")
exec_summary = graphics.InfoGraphItems()
!cecho success "Input validation complete"
input_form = InputForm(
InputSpec('fastq', '.fastq reads file', 'GM24385.nf7.chr20_af_minimap2.fastq.gz'),
InputSpec('reference', '.fasta reference file', 'chr20_human_g1k_v37.fasta.gz'),
InputSpec('target_bed', '.bed target file', 'target.bed'),
InputSpec('threads', 'Compute threads', (1, multiprocessing.cpu_count(), 1)),
InputSpec('min_sv_length', 'Minimum SV length to report', widgets.IntText(30)),
InputSpec('max_sv_length', 'Maximum SV length to report', widgets.IntText(1000000)),
InputSpec('min_read_length', 'Minimum read length', widgets.IntText(1000)),
InputSpec('min_read_support', 'Minimum reads to support variant', widgets.IntText(3)),
InputSpec('min_read_mapping_quality', 'Minimum read mapping quality', widgets.IntText(20)),
Prior to beginning the analysis proper, it is always prudent to inspect the data we are going to use in our workflow, specficically casting our eye over read_lengths
and quality scores
. We want to ascertain that these distributions look like we expect them to look, specifically that the read lengths are sufficient for SV calling (too short and the SV calling will be suboptimal) and that the quality of the reads is not significantly lower than expected (lower means there is likely to be higher error within the reads rate leading to a drop in call accuracy).
To perform these checks we will run seqkit stats
and fastcat
to generate a range of summary information, which can then be displayed in tabular format or plotted as distributions.
#aligned_bam Run seqkit stats and fastcat to summarise read stats and plot results (click play)
import pandas as pd
from bokeh.layouts import gridplot
from aplanat.components import fastcat
from bokeh.models import BasicTickFormatter, Range1d
# Seqkit
read_stats = "reads.seqkit.tsv"
cmd = f"seqkit stats -T -a -b -j {threads} {fastq} > {read_stats}"
!cecho ok "Running $cmd"
df_reads = pd.read_csv(read_stats, sep='\t')
# Fastcat
per_read_stats = 'per_read_stats.txt'
cmd = f"fastcat --read {per_read_stats} {fastq} > /dev/null"
!cecho ok "Running $cmd"
df_per_read = pd.read_csv(per_read_stats, sep='\t')[['read_id','filename','read_length','mean_quality']]
# Plotting
read_qual = fastcat.read_quality_plot(df_per_read)
read_qual_median = df_per_read['mean_quality'].median()
read_length = fastcat.read_length_plot(df_per_read)
read_len_median = df_per_read['read_length'].median()
read_length.x_range = Range1d(0, 100000)
read_length.xaxis.formatter = BasicTickFormatter(use_scientific=False)
"Median. read quality", read_qual_median, "thumbs-up")
"Median. read length", read_len_median, "align-center", "b")
qc_plots = gridplot([read_length, read_qual], ncols=2), background="#f4f4f4")
#### Read quality control
The following plots give an overview of the dataset we are working with. For SV calling, a right-shifted
read-length distribution is preferable, allowing us to unpick larger variants. Quality scores are
mean-per-read and the peak should not be below 10.""",
html_report.plot(qc_plots, "align-plot")
Running seqkit stats -T -a -b -j 2 GM24385.nf7.chr20_af_minimap2.fastq.gz > reads.seqkit.tsv
file | format | type | num_seqs | sum_len | min_len | avg_len | max_len | Q1 | Q2 | Q3 | sum_gap | N50 | Q20(%) | Q30(%) | |
0 | GM24385.nf7.chr20_af_minimap2.fastq.gz | FASTQ | DNA | 88893 | 1668011592 | 152 | 18764.3 | 302406 | 2563 | 6922 | 21750 | 0 | 52493 | 63.68 | 45.43 |
Running fastcat --read per_read_stats.txt GM24385.nf7.chr20_af_minimap2.fastq.gz > /dev/null
read_id | filename | read_length | mean_quality | |
0 | 0175f4dc-e60a-45fc-9160-52120d6acdec | GM24385.nf7.chr20_af_minimap2.fastq.gz | 109226 | 11.09 |
1 | 48e6444a-5b38-4d1e-923f-9c50db41db7c | GM24385.nf7.chr20_af_minimap2.fastq.gz | 49387 | 12.76 |
2 | 2d34865e-10bc-4043-bbc7-267be5861b4e | GM24385.nf7.chr20_af_minimap2.fastq.gz | 8513 | 12.37 |
3 | a9176777-5819-4eee-b426-8b210557c013 | GM24385.nf7.chr20_af_minimap2.fastq.gz | 36824 | 9.81 |
4 | 9270a16f-1325-43bb-a9ab-8633a5240718 | GM24385.nf7.chr20_af_minimap2.fastq.gz | 83950 | 12.77 |
5 | 566195ce-9f45-42ca-9eb8-6967c02a1a43 | GM24385.nf7.chr20_af_minimap2.fastq.gz | 22715 | 10.53 |
6 | 2b5fb7bc-c545-439c-a818-1a229c2d5e02 | GM24385.nf7.chr20_af_minimap2.fastq.gz | 72372 | 11.19 |
7 | b3b57ce7-7e99-4c2a-a96e-cf220168305e | GM24385.nf7.chr20_af_minimap2.fastq.gz | 108802 | 11.86 |
8 | afa6bbdc-6f3c-4d01-83c9-dbb0157bf6d7 | GM24385.nf7.chr20_af_minimap2.fastq.gz | 96831 | 7.75 |
9 | 647d69ea-fc98-4467-a2be-aa6decbb1e3b | GM24385.nf7.chr20_af_minimap2.fastq.gz | 110170 | 10.32 |
CuteSV is a reference alignment based SV caller, meaning the first step in using it to call SVs is to align the reads to the reference genome using an aligner such as Minimap2 or LRA. LRA is the aligner used in the wf-human-sv workflow because it has been determined to provide better results in the context of Human SV detection than minimap2, so we'll use the same approach here, although minimap2 is also a viable option.
When aligning reads to a reference, we tend to follow these steps:
file from alignment to create a .bam
fileFor a more complete understanding of what these terms mean, see the Introduction to SAM/BAM tutorial provided within EPI2ME Labs.
# Align reads to reference genome using LRA. Creates .bam file (click play)
cmd = f"""
lra index -ONT {reference} \
&& seqtk seq -A {fastq} \
| lra align -ONT -p s -t {threads} {reference} - \
| samtools calmd -u - {reference} \
| samtools sort -@ {threads} -o {aligned_bam} - \
&& samtools index -@ {threads} {aligned_bam}
""".strip('\n').replace(' ', '')
!cecho ok "Running $cmd"
Running lra index -ONT chr20_human_g1k_v37.fasta.gz && seqtk seq -A GM24385.nf7.chr20_af_minimap2.fastq.gz | lra align -ONT -p s -t 2 chr20_human_g1k_v37.fasta.gz - | samtools calmd -u - chr20_human_g1k_v37.fasta.gz | samtools sort -@ 2 -o aligned.bam - && samtools index -@ 2 aligned.bam
Before calling structural variants in our dataset it is worthwhile to review the key quality characteristics from our .bam
The seqkit bam
method is used to prepare a collection of per read-alignment summary observations. These observations will be presented as figures and tables that describe the distribution of mapping qualities, depths of coverage and summarise the numbers of reads and sequence bases that map to the reference genome.
# Run seqkit bam to get alignment stats (click play)
cmd = f"seqkit bam {aligned_bam} 2> {alignment_stats}"
!cecho ok "Running $cmd"
df = pd.read_csv(alignment_stats, sep='\t')[[
Running seqkit bam aligned.bam 2> alignments.seqkit.tsv
Read | Ref | Pos | EndPos | MapQual | Acc | ReadLen | RefAln | RefCov | ReadAln | ReadCov | Strand | LeftClip | RightClip | Flags | IsSec | IsSup | |
0 | be97f83b-3d51-4779-8e2b-bc92a878174e | 20 | 60001 | 64041 | 60 | 93.402 | 11785 | 4040 | 0.006 | 3940 | 33.432 | -1 | 7805 | 40 | 16 | 0 | 0 |
1 | 53ab8f9f-4767-474c-bb37-85cdc87d2d0b | 20 | 60001 | 90949 | 60 | 81.816 | 44454 | 30948 | 0.049 | 28407 | 63.902 | -1 | 16006 | 41 | 16 | 0 | 0 |
2 | 2d34865e-10bc-4043-bbc7-267be5861b4e | 20 | 60005 | 61073 | 60 | 92.216 | 8513 | 1068 | 0.002 | 1048 | 12.311 | 1 | 7445 | 20 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
3 | a9176777-5819-4eee-b426-8b210557c013 | 20 | 60005 | 85933 | 60 | 87.272 | 36824 | 25928 | 0.041 | 25278 | 68.645 | 1 | 11540 | 6 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
4 | 2b5fb7bc-c545-439c-a818-1a229c2d5e02 | 20 | 60005 | 130667 | 60 | 91.335 | 72372 | 70662 | 0.112 | 68723 | 94.958 | 1 | 3617 | 32 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Using the output from seqkit
we can derive some basic statistics concerning the alignments of reads to the reference sequence:
# Read summary plot code (click play)
import aplanat
from aplanat import hist, annot
from bokeh.layouts import gridplot
from aplanat.util import Colors
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import sys
pd.options.display.float_format = '{:.2f}'.format
def parse_seqkit(fname):
cols = {
'Read':str, 'MapQual':int, 'Acc':float, 'ReadLen':int,
'ReadAln':int, 'ReadCov':float, 'IsSec':bool, 'IsSup':bool}
df = pd.read_csv(fname, sep="\t", dtype=cols, usecols=cols.keys())
df['Clipped'] = df['ReadLen'] - df['ReadAln']
df['Type'] = 'Primary'
df.loc[df['IsSec'], 'Type'] = 'Secondary'
df.loc[df['IsSup'], 'Type'] = 'Supplementary'
return df
def summarize_seqkit(df):
grouped = df.groupby('Type').agg(**{
'Alignments': ('Read', 'count'),
'Unique Reads': ('Read', 'nunique'),
'Ave. read length': ('ReadLen', 'median'),
'Ave. mapping quality': ('MapQual', 'median'),
'Ave. align length': ('ReadAln', 'median'),
'Total aligned bases': ('ReadAln', 'sum'),
'Total clipped bases': ('Clipped', 'sum')})
for atype in ['Supplementary']:
if atype not in df['Type'].values:
atype_row = {
'Alignments': 0,
'Unique Reads': 0,
'Ave. read length': 0,
'Ave. mapping quality': 0,
'Ave. align length': 0,
'Total aligned bases': 0,
'Total clipped bases': 0
grouped = grouped.append(pd.Series(atype_row, name=atype))
grouped.loc[['Supplementary'], ['Ave. read length']] = "-"
return grouped.transpose()
seqkit_df = parse_seqkit(alignment_stats)
summary_table = summarize_seqkit(seqkit_df)
primarys = seqkit_df.loc[seqkit_df['Type'] == 'Primary']
p1 = hist.histogram(
[primarys['Acc']], xlim=(70, 101), binwidth=0.5,
colors=[Colors.cerulean], title="Alignment accuracy distribution",
x_axis_label='% alignment accuracy', y_axis_label='read count')
p2 = hist.histogram(
[primarys['ReadCov']], xlim=(90, 101), binwidth=0.2,
colors=[Colors.cerulean], title="Read containment distribution",
x_axis_label='% of read contained in alignment',
y_axis_label='read count')
alignment_plots = gridplot([p1, p2], ncols=2)
display(summary_table), background="#f4f4f4")
prim = summary_table["Primary"]
"Primary alignments", prim.loc["Alignments"], "signal")
# Add plot to the html report
### Read alignments.
Summary of read alignments to the reference genome. Note that read-based
statistics (e.g `Ave. read length`) are not reported for secondary and
supplementary alignments where they would otherwise overcount.""",
html_report.table(summary_table, index=True, key="align-table")
#### Primary alignment statistics
The following plots give an overall impression of alignment and thereby read quality. Accuracy should show a strong peak
above 93% with alignment containment above 98%.""",
html_report.plot(alignment_plots, "align-plot")
Type | Primary | Supplementary |
Alignments | 87780 | 4011 |
Unique Reads | 87780 | 2694 |
Ave. read length | 7069 | - |
Ave. mapping quality | 60 | 60 |
Ave. align length | 6774 | 5744 |
Total aligned bases | 1576230507 | 65875987 |
Total clipped bases | 90629408 | 166734614 |
We will use cuteSV
to call structural variants. In the code block below, cuteSV
is called with parameters that define the acceptable size range for a call, minimum read length, minimum read support, and minimum mapping quality.
is a minimum length threshold a call must have, which is set to 30 nucleotides by default.max_sv_length
is a maximum length threshold above which we will not consider calls, set to 10000 by default.min_read_length
is a minimum threshold for read lengths. This is used to reject the shortest mapping sequences and is by default defined as 1000 nucleotides.read_support
is a minimum threshold for the number of required supporting reads. The default value requires that three of more reads cover an SV.min_read_mapping_quality
was defined in the configuration form at the top of the analysis section (a value of 20 by default) and is a minimum threshold used to reject reads with lower quality mapping scores.These parameters are permissive and will produce a large number of candidate SVs. This is intentional and subsequent steps in the workflow will qualitatively filter and refine the SV collection.
# Finding candidate variants with cuteSV (click play)
renamed = reference
if reference.endswith('.gz'):
renamed = reference.split('.gz')[0]
unzipper = f"bgzip -d -c {reference} > {renamed}"
!touch ./signatures
!rm -r ./signatures
cmd = f"""
cuteSV \
--threads {threads} \
--genotype \
-l {min_sv_length} \
-L {max_sv_length} \
-r {min_read_length} \
-q {min_read_mapping_quality} \
-s {min_read_support} \
--max_cluster_bias_INS 100 \
--diff_ratio_merging_INS 0.3 \
--max_cluster_bias_DEL 100 \
--diff_ratio_merging_DEL 0.3 \
{aligned_bam} \
{renamed} \
{calls_vcf} .
""".strip('\n').replace(' ', '')
!cecho ok "Running $cmd"
Running cuteSV --threads 2 --genotype -l 30 -L 1000000 -r 1000 -q 20 -s 3 --max_cluster_bias_INS 100 --diff_ratio_merging_INS 0.3 --max_cluster_bias_DEL 100 --diff_ratio_merging_DEL 0.3 aligned.bam chr20_human_g1k_v37.fasta calls.vcf .
2021-07-21 18:04:19,493 [INFO] Running /opt/conda/bin/cuteSV --threads 2 --genotype -l 30 -L 1000000 -r 1000 -q 20 -s 3 --max_cluster_bias_INS 100 --diff_ratio_merging_INS 0.3 --max_cluster_bias_DEL 100 --diff_ratio_merging_DEL 0.3 aligned.bam chr20_human_g1k_v37.fasta calls.vcf .
2021-07-21 18:12:47,186 [INFO] Finished in 507.69 seconds.
The complete set of SVs from cuteSV
can be filtered to regions of interest using the .bed
file specified in the sections above, allowing for targeted downstream analysis.
To avoid false positive calls due to low read coverage we will now assess the read depth across the regions in the dataset using the mosdepth
# Running mosdepth to calculate read coverage (click play)
if target_bed != "":
bed_opt = "-b {}".format(target_bed)
bed_opt = ""
cmd = f"mosdepth -n -x {bed_opt} -t {threads} depth {aligned_bam}"
!cecho ok "Running $cmd"
Running mosdepth -n -x -b target.bed -t 2 depth aligned.bam
Using the average read depth we can compute a minimum read depth required to call variants. The code below first attempts to establish a bound using the average sequencing depth. If this lower that a minimum bound (min_support
), then the higher value is chosen.
The original .vcf
file produced by cuteSV
can now be filtered by the depth threshold reported above, as well as by the region given with the regions bedfile, and by type of SV (insertions and deletions by default).
Ensure that you click the form Enter
button on the form below to perform the filtering step.
# Run VCF filtering step (click play)
import pandas as pd
threshold_lookup = ['0'] + ['2'] * 10 + ['3'] * 9 + ['5'] * 20 + ['8'] * 100
def calculate_average_depth(path):
"""Get the average read depth."""
depth_table = pd.read_csv(
names=("chr", "start", "end", "avg_depth"))
depth_table["length"] = depth_table["end"] - depth_table["start"]
depth_table["sum_depth"] = depth_table["length"] * depth_table["avg_depth"]
total_bases = sum(depth_table["length"])
sum_depth = sum(depth_table["sum_depth"])
avg_depth = sum_depth / total_bases
return avg_depth
# Get SV type filters
sv_types = ['INS', 'DEL']
sv_type_filters = []
for svtype in sv_types:
sv_type_filters.append(f'SVTYPE = \"{svtype}\"')
filter_sv_types = f"( {(' || ').join(sv_type_filters)} )"
# Get length filters
filter_min_len = f'ABS(SVLEN) >= {min_sv_length}'
filter_max_len = f'ABS(SVLEN) <= {max_sv_length}'
# Get min read support filter
avg_depth = calculate_average_depth(depth_bedfile)
avg_depth = min(avg_depth, len(threshold_lookup) - 1)
detected_read_support = int(threshold_lookup[round(avg_depth)])
read_support = min_read_support
if detected_read_support > min_read_support:
read_support = detected_read_support
filter_min_read_support = f'INFO/RE >= {read_support}'
# Build filter string
filters = [
filter_string = f"-i '{' && '.join(filters)}'"
# Add target_bed filter (optional)
if target_bed != "":
filter_string = f"-T {target_bed} " + filter_string
# Print command to stdout
cmd = f"bcftools view {filter_string} {calls_vcf} > {filtered_vcf}"
!cecho ok "Running $cmd"
Running bcftools view -T target.bed -i '( SVTYPE = INS || SVTYPE = DEL ) && ABS(SVLEN) >= 30 && ABS(SVLEN) <= 1000000 && INFO/RE >= 5' calls.vcf > filtered.vcf
# Run VCF sort and indexing step (click play)
print("Sorting VCF...")
cmd = f"bcftools sort {filtered_vcf} > {sorted_filtered_vcf}"
!cecho ok "Running $cmd"
print("Compressing and indexing VCF...")
cmd = f"bgzip -f {sorted_filtered_vcf} && bcftools index {sorted_filtered_vcf_gz}"
!cecho ok "Running $cmd"
Sorting VCF... Running bcftools sort filtered.vcf > sorted.filtered.vcf Writing to /tmp/bcftools-sort.sNPEug Merging 1 temporary files Cleaning Done Compressing and indexing VCF... Running bgzip -f sorted.filtered.vcf && bcftools index sorted.filtered.vcf.gz
In this section we will analyse the called and filtered variants. There are many more interesting things which can be learnt from the variant calls, including specific biological questions of interest. Here however we focus on simple, generic properties of the discovered variants.
To start we can generate plots indicating the occurence and density of SVs throughout the genome:
# Plotting SV density karyograms (click play)
import aplanat
from aplanat import bio
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
def parse_vcf(fname):
vcf = pd.read_csv(fname, delimiter='\t', comment='#', names=header, dtype={'CHROM':str})
# The INFO field isn't quite a table, so this is cumbersome
info = vcf['INFO'].str.split(pat=";",expand=True, n=1)
vcf['STATUS'] = info[0]
vcf['details'] = info[1].str.split(";").apply(lambda x: dict([y.split("=") for y in x]))
for field in ['SVTYPE', 'SVLEN']:
vcf[field] = vcf['details'].apply(lambda x: x[field])
# filter to chromosome
allowed = [str(x) for x in range(1,23)] + ['X','Y']
vcf = vcf.loc[vcf['CHROM'].isin(allowed)]
for orig, rename in (('INS', 'Insertion'), ('DEL', 'Deletion')):
vcf.loc[vcf['SVTYPE'] == orig, 'SVTYPE'] = rename
vcf['SVLEN'] = vcf['SVLEN'].astype(int)
return vcf
vcf = parse_vcf(sorted_filtered_vcf_gz)
sv_types = ('Insertion', 'Deletion')
sv_colours = ['red', 'green', 'blue']
karyograms = list()
for sv, col in zip(sv_types, sv_colours):
data = vcf.loc[vcf['SVTYPE'] == sv]
plot = bio.karyotype(
[data['POS']], [data['CHROM']], [sv], [col], alpha=0.2,
height=300, width=400)
karyograms = gridplot(karyograms, ncols=3), background="#f4f4f4")
html_report["Karyogram plots:"] = karyograms
For a more quantitative view of the data, let us examine the length distributions of the called variants separated by type:
# SV length distributions (click play)
vcf_summary = vcf.groupby('SVTYPE').agg(**{
'Count': ('POS', 'count'),
'Min. Length': ('SVLEN', lambda x: np.min(x.abs())),
'Ave. Length': ('SVLEN', lambda x: np.median(x.abs())),
'Max. Length': ('SVLEN', lambda x: np.max(x.abs()))}).transpose()
### Structural Variants
The structural variants found by the analysis and reported
in the output `.vcf` are summarized below.""",
html_report.table(vcf_summary, index=False, key='sv-summary-table')
exec_summary.append('Variants found', int(sum(vcf_summary.loc['Count'])), 'balance-scale')
length_plots = list()
for sv, col in zip(sv_types, sv_colours):
data = np.log10(vcf.loc[vcf['SVTYPE'] == sv, 'SVLEN'].abs())
plot = hist.histogram(
[data], colors=[col],
names=[sv], bins=200, xlim=(1, None),
title="{} SV lengths".format(sv),
x_axis_label='log10(SV length / bases)',
length_plots = gridplot(length_plots, ncols=2)
html_report.plot(length_plots, key='sv-len-plots')
display(vcf_summary), background="#f4f4f4")
SVTYPE | Deletion | Insertion |
Count | 407 | 286 |
Min. Length | 30 | 30 |
Ave. Length | 41 | 151 |
Max. Length | 140015 | 11299 |
As a final summary of the experiment the infographic below displays a small set of headline numbers captured through the course of the analysis. Running the codecell will produce also a standalone HTML report document in the output folder.
# Executive summary (click play)
pinger.send_notebook_ping('stop', 'sv_tutorial')
exec_plot = graphics.infographic(exec_summary.values()), background="#f4f4f4")
html_report['exec-plot'] = exec_plot
html_report_path = "report.html"
print("Report written to {}".format(os.path.abspath(html_report_path)))
Report written to /epi2melabs/sv_tutorial/report.html
This tutorial has stepped through the calling an summary analysis of structural variants implied by an Oxford Nanopore long read dataset. Using the cuteSV
package to call variants the types, lengths, and location of variants has been explored.
The analysis presented can also be run on any .bam
alignment file generated by lra
which retains supplementary alignments.
Example code for the preparation of a bed file
In the workflow form at the head of this tutorial a requirement for a BED coordinate file was introduced. An appropriate .bed
file may be prepared from a .fasta
format reference genome with the following command.
$ pip install pyfaidx
$ faidx --transform bed test.fasta > test.bed