The modified base tutorial is intended as a simple guide for handling the modified-base information output by the Guppy basecaller. We will walk through the data provided in the .bam
file output by Guppy and demonstrate how to convert this this data to per locus modified-base frequencies.
The tutorial is provided with a sample dataset for chromosome 20 of the GIAB NA24385 sample, and the workflow can be used to address such questions as:
Methods used in this tutorial include:
, numpy
, and bokeh
for processing .bam
files with modified base data.Computational requirements for this tutorial include:
⚠️ Warning: This notebook has been saved with its outputs for demostration purposed.
To start analysing our experiment we must first collate our data. The workflow below expects to be given a single data folder. It will search this folder to find .fast5
files containing modified base data from the Guppy basecaller.
Before anything else we will create and set a working directory:
# create a work directory and move into it
tutorial_name = 'modbase_tutorial'
working_dir = '/epi2melabs/{}'.format(tutorial_name)
!mkdir -p "$working_dir"
%cd "$working_dir"
from epi2melabs import ping
pinger = ping.Pingu()
response = pinger.send_notebook_ping('start', 'modified_base_tutorial')
This tutorial uses the modbam2bed program for converting Guppy's BAM files to BED files. This software packages is not included in the default EPI2ME Labs server. Below we will install it. We will not use it in this tutorial, but we also have Python library for directly manipulating such files: modbampy.
Please note that the software installed is not persistent and this step will need to be re-run if you stop and restart the EPI2ME Labs server
# install modbam2bed for manipulating BAM files with modified base information.
!mamba install -q -y modbam2bed
To use this tutorial with sample data we can download the files using the linux
command wget
. To execute the command click on the cell and then press Command/Ctrl-Enter, or click the Play symbol to the left-hand side.
bucket = "ont-exd-int-s3-euwst1-epi2me-labs"
domain = ""
site = "https://{}.{}".format(bucket, domain)
!echo 'Downloading `.bam` data...'
!wget "$site"/modbase_tutorial/chr20.bam
!wget "$site"/modbase_tutorial/chr20.bam.bai
!mkdir -p "sample_data" && mv chr20.bam* sample_data
For our analysis we will also need the human genome reference:
!wget "$site"/grch38.tar.gz
!tar -xzvf grch38.tar.gz
The sample data taken from our ONT Open Datasets archive. The full dataset comprises MinION sequencing runs, the data used here has been prefiltered to reads derived from human chromosome 20 to provide a small example dataset.
To view the outcome of the download we can use the tree
command to show the contents of the working directory:
!tree .
The files should also appear in the File Browser to the left-hand side of the screen.
The Guppy basecaller software includes a model for the detection of base modifications. The version of Guppy at the time of writing (5.0.12) supports modifications that include 5mC in a CpG context, Dcm (5mC motifs CCAGG and CCTGG) and Dam, m6A GATC motif.
By default, Guppy will not produce modified base statistics in its outputs. In order to obtain these it is necessary to use an non-default configuration file and enable the alignment output. For example one should run a command such as:
guppy_basecaller \
--config dna_r9.4.1_450bps_modbases_5mc_hac.cfg \
--device cuda:0 \
--bam_out --recursive --compress \
--align_ref <reference fasta> \
-i <fast5 input directory> -s <output directory>
If you wish to analyse your own data rather than the sample data, you can edit the values in the form below. To find the correct full path of a directory you can navigate to it in
the Files
browser to the left-hand side, right-click on the file and select Copy path
The location shared with the EPI2ME labs server from your computer will show as /epi2melabs
, for example a file located at /data/my_gridion_run/fastq_pass
on your computer will appear as /epi2melabs/my_gridion_run/fastq_pass
when it is the /data
folder that is shared.
Having downloaded the sample data, or locating your own data in the file browser, we need to provide the filepaths as input to the notebook. This is done in the form below. After updating the values, be sure to press the > Enter
from epi2melabs.notebook import InputForm, InputSpec
data_folder = None
output_folder = None
reference_genome = None
def process_form(inputs):
global data_folder
global output_folder
global reference_genome
# make sure all bams are indexed
data_folder = inputs.data_folder
if inputs.force_bam_index:
!echo "Ensuring .bams are indexed"
!find $data_folder -name "*.bam" | xargs -I {} samtools index {}
!echo "Making output folder"
output_folder = inputs.output_folder
!mkdir -p "$output_folder"
reference_genome = inputs.reference_genome
!test -f "$reference_genome" \
&& echo "Reference file found" \
|| cecho error "WARNING: Reference file does not exist"
input_form = InputForm(
InputSpec('data_folder', 'Input folder', 'sample_data',long_desc="Guppy/MinKNOW output directory, will be searched for BAM files:"),
InputSpec('force_bam_index', 'Index BAMs', True, long_desc="Some versions of Guppy do not write required BAM indexes tick this box to force indexing:"),
InputSpec('output_folder', 'Output folder', 'analysis', long_desc="Output location:"),
InputSpec('reference_genome', 'Reference .fasta', 'grch38/grch38.fasta.gz', long_desc="Location of reference genome:"))
VBox(children=(HTML(value='Guppy/MinKNOW output directory, will be searched for BAM files:'), HBox(children=(L…
In order to enable further analysis we will first summarise the data from Guppy's basecalling outputs. We will do this using the modbam2bed
program to create a base-count summary text file.
With our sequencing data in a .bam
, we can proceed to analyse the data with standard bioinformatics tools.
After basecalling, which can be performed live during the sequencing run, a simple one step process can be used to summarize the BAM files into methylated and unmethylated frequency information akin to that obtained for bisulfite sequencing using packages such as bismark. For this we use our recently developed modbam2bed program:
import os
prefix = os.path.join(output_folder, "mod-counts")
bedmethyl = prefix + ".cpg.bed"
!modbam2bed --aggregate -p $prefix -e -m 5mC --cpg -t 4 -r chr20 $reference_genome $data_folder/*.bam > $bedmethyl
Here the option -m 5mC
instructs the program to examine 5-methylcytosine presence, while the option --cpg
indicates that only loci containing the sequence motif CG
should be output. We also ask the programm to create data aggregated base counts across the two DNA strands (--aggregate
) as a separate output. Other choices can be found by running:
!modbam2bed --help
The output file guppy.cpg.bam
is formatted as a bedMethyl file, which is a simple tab-separated text file that can be read with pandas:
# Modified base summary parsing (click play)
import os
import pandas as pd
methdata = pd.read_csv(
bedmethyl, sep='\t',
names=["chrom", "start", "end", "name", "score", "strand", "tstart", "tend", "color", "coverage", "freq", "canon", "mod", "filt"])
chrom | start | end | name | score | strand | tstart | tend | color | coverage | freq | canon | mod | filt | |
0 | chr20 | 60008 | 60009 | 5mC | 1000 | + | 60008 | 60009 | 0,0,0 | 4 | 25.0 | 3 | 1 | 0 |
1 | chr20 | 60009 | 60010 | 5mC | 1000 | - | 60009 | 60010 | 0,0,0 | 1 | 0.0 | 1 | 0 | 0 |
2 | chr20 | 60119 | 60120 | 5mC | 1000 | + | 60119 | 60120 | 0,0,0 | 4 | 0.0 | 4 | 0 | 0 |
3 | chr20 | 60120 | 60121 | 5mC | 1000 | - | 60120 | 60121 | 0,0,0 | 1 | 0.0 | 1 | 0 | 0 |
4 | chr20 | 60578 | 60579 | 5mC | 833 | + | 60578 | 60579 | 0,0,0 | 12 | 30.0 | 7 | 3 | 0 |
The column names should be self explanatory. The first three columns denote simply: the reference sequence (chrom
) and the start
and end
positions (invariably one apart). The next column indicates the name
of the modified base analysis, the score
column indicates the reliability of the result and is described in the modbam2bed
documentation. The strand
columns indicated on which strand of the reference the modification is found. tstart
, tend
, and color
are part of the Encode project description of the bedMethyl format but can be ignored. The coverage
column indicates the number of reads spanning the locus while freq
indicates the modification frequency (percentage of reads with modification). The canon
, mod
, and filt
columns indicate the absolute count of reads containing the canonical base associated with the modification, the count of reads with the modified base, and the number of ambiguous (filtered) reads. The coverage
column is not the sum of these final three columns as it also includes reads with deletions and substitutions at the locus of interest.
In this section we will perform some basic analysis of the summary count data. From this table alone interesting observations can be made.
We will start our analysis by further summarising the summary table to pull out average methylation rates and examine potential strand bias.
We start by assessing the coverage of our candidate modified-base sites:
# Coverage plot code (click play)
import aplanat
from aplanat import hist
names = ('fwd', 'rev')
fwdmeth = methdata.loc[methdata['strand'] == "+"]
revmeth = methdata.loc[methdata['strand'] == "-"]
plot = hist.histogram(
[x["coverage"] for x in (fwdmeth, revmeth)],
colors=['maroon', 'darkolivegreen'], names=names,
binwidth=1, style='line', title='Coverage distribution',
plot.xaxis.axis_label = 'coverage'
plot.yaxis.axis_label = 'frequency', background='#F4F4F4')
We can use the bulk coverage data to determine a filter to exclude sites with lower than expected coverage, as these may skew our observations.
The following summarises methylation status across the dataset:
# Methylation summary plot code (click play)
coverage_mask = 10
from bokeh.layouts import gridplot
from aplanat import annot
# join the reverse to the fwd assuming sites are one apart
# NOTE: we could just use the aggregated results from modbam2bed
print("Joining forward and reverse strand joins assuming 1-base offset.")
tmp = revmeth.copy()
tmp['start'] -= 1
tmp['end'] -= 1
methjoin = pd.merge(fwdmeth, tmp, on=("chrom", "start"), suffixes=(".fwd", ".rev"))
methjoin["coverage"] = methjoin["coverage.fwd"] + methjoin["coverage.rev"]
# proportion by site
p1 = hist.histogram(
colors=['steelblue'], xlim=(0, 100),
bins=200, title='Methylation proportion by site')
p1.xaxis.axis_label = 'methylation proportion'
p1.yaxis.axis_label = 'frequency'
# strand bias - remove the trivial case
bias = methjoin['freq.fwd'] - methjoin['freq.rev']
bias = bias.loc[(bias<50) & (bias>-50)]
p2 = hist.histogram(
[bias], colors=['steelblue'], bins=50,
title="Methylation strand bias by site.")
p2.xaxis.axis_label = '(fwd. meth. prop.) - (rev. meth. prop.)'
p2.yaxis.axis_label = 'frequency'[[p1, p2]]) , background='#F4F4F4')
Joining forward and reverse strand joins assuming 1-base offset.
It is known that CpG sites occur less frequently than random chance in the human genome, and that further the sites which do exist tend to be clustered in so-called CpG islands. These islands typically occur at transcription start sites, and it is found that methylation rates in CpG islands are low for genes which are suppressed. To enable analysis of these effects we can plot the summary data according to genomic coordinates.
To plot a coverage trace across a reference sequence use the form below. This allows exploration of position dependent modified-base rates and any strand biases present.
# Coverage plot code
from aplanat import points
import ipywidgets as widgets
def plot_callback(inputs):
chrom, coords = inputs.region.split(":")
start, stop = (int(x) for x in coords.split("-"))
except Exception as e:
print('Cannot parse region as "chrom:start-stop".')
# filter data by inputs
select = (
(methjoin['coverage'] >= inputs.coverage_mask) &
(methjoin['chrom'] == chrom) &
(methjoin['start'] > start) &
(methjoin['start'] < stop))
d = methjoin.loc[select]
def down_sample(df, plot_limit=350000):
# if we have a lot of points, remove some to avoid bokeh dying.
if len(df) > plot_limit:
display("Warning: Downsampling points to {} entries. Select a smaller region to show all points.".format(plot_limit))
df = df.sample(n=plot_limit)
display("Showing all sites.")
return df
# create a plot
title = '{} coverage'.format(inputs.region)
if inputs.colour_by == "orientation":
d = down_sample(d, plot_limit=350000)
xs = [d['start']] * 2
ys = [d['coverage.fwd'], -d['coverage.rev']]
colors=['maroon', 'orange']
names=['fwd', 'rev']
elif inputs.colour_by == "mod. status":
d = down_sample(d, plot_limit=350000)
xs = [d['start']] * 2
ys = [
+d['mod.fwd'] + d['mod.rev'],
-d['canon.rev'] - d['canon.rev']]
colors = ['blue', 'green']
names = ['modified', 'canonical']
elif inputs.colour_by == "both":
d = down_sample(d, plot_limit=125000)
xs = [d['start']] * 4
title += ' Positive: fwd strand, Negative: rev strand'
ys = [
+d['mod.fwd'], +d['canon.fwd'],
-d['mod.rev'], -d['canon.fwd']]
colors = ['blue', 'green', 'blue', 'green']
names = ['modified', 'canonical', None, None]
raise ValueError("Unrecognised 'colour_by'.")
plot = points.points(
xs, ys, colors=colors, names=names, height=300, width=1200)
plot.xaxis.formatter.use_scientific = False
plot.xaxis.axis_label = 'position'
plot.yaxis.axis_label = 'frequency', background='#F4F4F4')
plot_form = InputForm(
InputSpec("region", "Region", "chr20:0-65000000"),
InputSpec("colour_by", "Colour by",["mod. status", "orientation", "both"]),
InputSpec("coverage_mask", "Coverage mask", widgets.IntText(10)))
VBox(children=(HBox(children=(Label(value='Region', layout=Layout(width='150px')), interactive(children=(Text(…
As a technology demonstrator this section of the tutorial shows an approach through which the Guppy-based base-modification information can be compared with data from Bisulphite sequencing experiments.
The bisulphite data used in this analysis has been sourced from the same GM24385 cell line. The data were derived from the same sample extraction as the nanopore data. See Detection of 5-methylcytosine modification in GM24385 for more details.
The bisulphite data can be downloaded using:
bucket = "ont-exd-int-s3-euwst1-epi2me-labs"
domain = ""
site = "https://{}.{}".format(bucket, domain)
!echo 'Downloading bisulfite data...'
!wget "$site"/modbase_tutorial/chr20.bismark.bed.gz
Downloading bisulfite data... --2022-08-03 16:02:03-- Resolving ( Connecting to (||:443... connected. HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK Length: 14979702 (14M) [binary/octet-stream] Saving to: ‘chr20.bismark.bed.gz’ chr20.bismark.bed.g 100%[===================>] 14.29M 2.26MB/s in 6.6s 2022-08-03 16:02:10 (2.17 MB/s) - ‘chr20.bismark.bed.gz’ saved [14979702/14979702]
and read with pandas:
# Reading bisulfite data from bismark
bis = pd.read_csv(
sep="\t", header=None,
names=['chrom', 'start', 'end', 'freq', 'mod', 'canon'])
chrom | start | end | freq | mod | canon | |
0 | chr20 | 60008 | 60009 | 14.285714 | 1 | 6 |
1 | chr20 | 60009 | 60010 | 0.000000 | 0 | 9 |
2 | chr20 | 60119 | 60120 | 0.000000 | 0 | 37 |
3 | chr20 | 60120 | 60121 | 0.000000 | 0 | 57 |
4 | chr20 | 60578 | 60579 | 47.368421 | 9 | 10 |
We can depict the concordance between the methylation frequencies using a heat map:
# Methylation Comparison plot code (click play)
import numpy as np
from aplanat import spatial
combined = pd.merge(bis, methdata, how="outer", on=["chrom", "start", "end"], suffixes=[".bis", ".nano"])
plot_data = combined.loc[
(combined['mod.bis'] + combined['canon.bis'] > 10) &
(combined['coverage'] > 10)].dropna(axis=0)
r_coeff = np.corrcoef(plot_data['freq.bis'], plot_data['freq.nano'])
r_coeff = r_coeff[0,1]
p = spatial.heatmap2(
plot_data['freq.bis'], plot_data['freq.nano'],
tools = "pan,wheel_zoom,box_zoom,reset",
log=True, x_bins=50, y_bins=50, xlim=(0,100), ylim=(0,100), zlim=(100, 100000),
title="Methylation comparison. R={:.3f}".format(r_coeff))
# match_aspect doesn't seem to work as described...
p.match_aspect = True
p.aspect_ratio = 1.2
p.xaxis.axis_label = 'Bisulphite Methylation Frequency'
p.yaxis.axis_label = 'Nanopore Methylation Frequency'
p.toolbar.logo = None, background='#F4F4F4')
_ = pinger.send_notebook_ping('stop', 'modified_base_tutorial')
This tutorial has stepped through basic handling of the modified-base output from the Guppy basecaller. We have seen how to aggregate read data into a .bam
alignment file for easy processing. Having aggregated read data we have performed some cursory analysis to motivate and guide further targetted investigation.
Users might also be interested in the following packages to help guide further exploration of their data: