EPI2ME Labs 23.02-02 Release

By Stephen Rudd
Published in Software Releases
February 22, 2023
1 min read
EPI2ME Labs 23.02-02 Release

Dear Nanopore community,

This second bioinformatics release of February includes a new workflow for the analysis of Pore-C sequence data and an update to wf-basecalling to include the latest dorado updates. There are a number of other fixes and usability updates:

  • The eponymous EPI2ME Labs desktop software has been updated to revision v4.1.2. This includes minor fixes including to ensuring that the curl software is available on Ubuntu installations. See our downloads page.
  • wf-pore-c (version 0.0.1) is an initial release of the workflow. This builds upon the Pore-C snakemake workflow which will now be deprecated.
  • wf-basecalling has been updated to version 0.4.0. The latest version now supports basecalling without a reference genome and also provides an option for unaligned FASTQ output. This release bundles the latest version of Dorado (v0.2.1) and basecalling models.
  • wf-bacterial-genomes (v0.2.12) and wf-clone-validation (v0.2.9) now bundle a medaka container that includes supported models.

We would be delighted to receive any feedback and welcome recommendations for future workflow or Oxford Nanopore Open Data releases.




Stephen Rudd

Stephen Rudd

Director, Bioinformatics Product

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