EPI2ME downloads and resources

1 min read

Installing bioinformatics software can be notoriously difficult for the uninitiated. The EPI2ME Desktop application aims to allow the analysis of anything, anywhere, by anyone. We have simplified the installation and use of bioinformatics tools and resources for Oxford Nanopore Technologies’ sequencing applications.

Installers are provided below for common platforms. If your platform is not listed please contact us. The current version of the EPI2ME Desktop application is 5.1.14. The application includes a guided setup procedure

Windows 10Download installer
macOS IntelDownload .pkg
macOS M1/M2Download .pkg
Ubuntu / DebianDownload .deb
RHEL 8+ / RockyDownload .rpm

The Ubuntu package has been tested on Ubuntu 18.04, 20.04, and 22.04. It is expected to work on any recent Debian-flavoured Linux. The Red Hat package manager files are less well tested and provided without support.

For further information and help installing (and uninstalling) the application please see our Installation guide.


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