Katuali analysis pipeline for preparing human datasets

Published in Data Releases
September 22, 2020
4 min read

Our recent GM24385 data release contains data from multiple flowcells and analytes for both the R9.4.1 and R10.3 flowcell chemistries. The uploaded data contains the primary sequencer output data; the full MinKNOW output directory for the runs is included verbatim. The release seperately contains a directory structure resulting from the application of a snakemake analysis pipeline. Here we provide details of how this workflow was executed and its outputs.


Katuali is a set of Snakemake analysis pipelines for basic analysis of nanopore sequencing data. It can perform basic tasks such as basecalling, alignment of reads, assembly, and evaluation and benchmarking of such algorithms. This can be performed at scale on large compute clusters on local or cloud infrastructure.

For the GM24385 release Katuali was used to construct secondary analyses in a documented and reproducible fashion. As katuali is open source, it is possible for users to reconstruct these secondary analyses for themselves from the primary data. We have uploaded the results of these analysis to provide benchmarking data and make available useful resources for others to perform further analysis.

The Katuali pipeline used for the GM24385 data release provides four main outputs:

  1. Align basecalls to reference sequence retaining all primary, secondary and supplementary alignments are kept
  2. Filter .bam file to list of regions defined in configuration file retaining only primary alignments.
  3. Produce read statistics from per-region .bams.
  4. Repack/group source .fast5 files according to primary alignment .bams to produce per-region .fast5 file sets.

These outputs provide added value to the primary data, and users can extend and adapt the katuali pipeline and configuration to calculate additional outputs.

Katuali configuration for GM24385 release

Katuali builds on native Snakemake functionality to provide a way of mapping and analysis pipeline across multiple inputs with minimal fuss. How this is achieved is describe in the katuali documentation. This functionality can be used to simulataneously process data from multiple flowcells.

A single configuration file is used to control Katuali’s behaviour: what input data it will use, what pipelines it will run, and the configuration of external programs that it runs. The configuration file can be created from the provided template using the katuali_config command.

For the purposes of the GM24385 data release this file was then customised with details of the input datasets (the .fast5/.fastq files from MinKNOW) and a description of the outputs that were required. The resulting files are included in the data release under the config folder at:


See our tutorials page for details on how to download these files.

Setup of input directories

Katuali can be used to perform basecalling from .fast5 files to produce standard .fastq sequence files. However since basecalling was performed during the sequencing experiments we can sidestep the basecalling procedure and simply bootstrap the Katuali output directory with the already computed basecalls. To do this the setup_katuali.sh program, located at:


was used. This prepares a directory structure that Katuali would otherwise produce itself whilst avoiding some expensive computations. Seperate top-level Katuali directories were created to group flowcell data from R9.4.1 and R10.3 flowcells.

Important aspects of configuration file

The template configuration files need only minor customisation for the GM24385 dataset. Firstly the DATA: section requires specifying, for example the R9.4.1 file contains an entries such as the following (one per flowcell):

'REFERENCE': 'ref/GCA_000001405.15_GRCh38_no_alt_analysis_set.fasta'
['chr1', 'chr2', 'chr3', 'chr4', 'chr5', 'chr6', 'chr7', 'chr8', 'chr9', 'chr10',
'chr11', 'chr12', 'chr13', 'chr14', 'chr15', 'chr16', 'chr17', 'chr18', 'chr19', 'chr20',
'chr21', 'chr22', 'chrX', 'chrY']

The first item here is simply the name MinKNOW output directory. The REFERENCE entry is a relative filepath to the genomic reference sequence appropriate to the sample; in the case of the GM24385 dataset this is simply the human reference genome. The final entry in the above is a list of sequence identifies (corresponding to entries in the REFERENCE file) indicating how the dataset should be separated after alignment of sequences to the reference.

The second important customisation of the template configuration file is the specification of which output files should be created. This appears in the PIPELINES section:

all_initial: [
# do alignments, split bams and fast5s by regions
all_add_alignment_stats: [
# calculate alignment stats

What these so-called “targets” cause Katuali and Snakemake to calculate is discussed below. To have katuali perform the calculation for all items in the DATA section it is sufficient to run katuali with, for example:

katuali all_initial --configfile ../../config/r9.4.1.config

from the directory corresponding to:


Katuali replaces the {DATA} and {SPLIT_FAST5_REGIONS} tags in the listings above with all possible values listed in the DATA section of the configuration file. The resulting matrix of targets is given to Snakemake to perform the workflows.

Pipeline data flow and output descriptions

The filepath targets defined in the Katuali configuration files trigger Snakemake to perform all necessary calculations required to produce the requested files. Users interested in the Snakemake rules used to produce all files should consult the Katuali documentation and source files here, which are grouped logically according to function.

Katuali has for the most part a convention that outputs which are derived directly from an input (or previous intermediate output) are stored in a sub-directory of that previous input. This leads to a continued deepening of the directory structure. A benefit of this approach is the ability to recursively calculate new outputs of the same type without having to write multiple rules. Downside of the approach are that it is not always easy to see which items are the immediate outputs of an analysis stage and which are the outputs of subsequent stages. To aid users who do not wish to examine the Snakemake files included in Katuali, the directory listing below will aid comprehension.

Katuali generically labels results of analysis stages using a <stage>_<suffix> form, for example in the below the top level <guppy_v4.0.11_r10.3_hac_prom> indicates results under this level are results of the Guppy basecaller using the settings specified in the Katuali configuration file under the tag v4.0.11_r10.3_hac_prom. Similarly <align_unfiltered> indicates results from the alignment rule generated using the unfiltered settings.

├── guppy_v4.0.11_r10.3_hac_prom
│   ├── basecalls.fastq
│   ├── sequencing_summary.txt
│   ├── align_unfiltered
│   │   ├── calls2ref.bam
│   │   ├── calls2ref.bam.bai
│   │   ├── calls2ref_stats.txt
│   │   ├── chr1
│   │   │   ├── calls2ref.bam
│   │   │   ├── calls2ref.bam.bai
│   │   │   ├── calls2ref_stats.txt
│   │   │   ├── fast5
│   │   │   │   ├── batch0.fast5
│   │   │   │   ├── batch1.fast5
│   │   │   │   ├── ...
│   │   │   │   └── filename_mapping.txt
│   │   │   └── readlist.txt
│   │   ├── chr2
┊ ┊  ┊ ...
└── reads -> <link to MinKNOW fast5_pass directory>

(Log files have been omitted from the above listing).

The guppy analysis stage

The Guppy analysis stage has two outputs:

  • basecalls.fastq - all basecalls from the basecaller in a single file.
  • sequencing_summary.txt - per-read summary information (as produced by MinKNOW).

Alignment analysis stage

The alignment stage of the workflow produced the following files under the align_unfiltered directory. The unfiltered suffix relates to the fact that all alignments are retained, not simply the primary alignment of each read.

  • calls2ref.bam - the alignments of reads to the supplied reference.
  • calls2ref.bam.bai - an index file for the alignments.

An auxiliary target of the Katuali pipeline produces the following:

  • calls2ref_stats.txt - per-read statistics calculated from the corresponding calls2ref.bam.

Alignment filtering stage

Having aligned the basecall data, Katuali separates the basecalls and read data stored in the source .fast5 data by the regions specified in the Katuali config. A directory is produced by region, for example chr1 in the listing above. Under this we find:

  • calls2ref* - files analagous to those in the align_unfiltered directory but containing only those reads with primary alignments to the given region.
  • readlist.txt - a simple text table containing the read identifiers of the requisite reads.
  • fast5 - a directory containing .fast5 files constructed from the original MinKNOW .fast5 files but containing only the requisite reads. The file filename_mapping.txt provides a read identifier to filename mapping.


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